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August 18, 2022




8/19 Boyd, Away, VG - 6:00

8/20 Lancaster, Away, JVG - 10:00, VG - 11:00

8/22 Christian Community, Away. JVG - 5:00, VG - 6:00 

8/23 Riverside, Away, JVG - 4:00, VG - 5:00

8/27 Temple Powell, Home, VG - 10:00

8/27 Lighthouse, Home, JVG - 1:00, VG - 2:00


8/30 Sculley Golf, (Central) Jackson, 3:00

9/8 Cedar Crest, (South Haven) Murfreesboro 4:00

Cross Country

8/20 Sigel Races, Murfreesboro, MS - 7:30 am, V - 6:00 pm

8/27 Sanders Ferry, Hendersonville, MS - 11;00, V - 7:30

9/3 Webb School, Bell Buckle, MS - 7:25, V - 9:00


9/8 Victory, Home, 4:00

9/10 Central, Home, 10:00


If you haven't turned in or submitted your child's forms yet, please do so as soon as possible. These are the papers that let us know who can pick your child up, who isn't allowed to, if they can have medicine, and all the good things that we need to know. As in all the things.

This year, you also have the option of submitting those same forms online (with the exception of the Financial form.) So there you have it. Easy peasy!

Traffic Patterns

Have you ever read the book Flat Stanley? Well, in an effort to keep our kids more 3D than 2D, FRCS has a speed limit of...wait for it...10 mph. Which will not win you any trophies for the fastest driver, but if you were a turtle, we could call you turbo. Anyway, please, for the safety of our students, pretend you're a turtle and keep to slow and steady as your pace. 

Also. If you're new here, or even if you're not and you've forgotten how carline works, here's a graphic for you visual people. (I myself am kinesthetic which means I learn best by throwing myself into a situation and doing but that's not great for some things, like maybe, taxes. Pretty sure I'd be in prison for tax evasion or something if that were left up to me. It would be unintentional of course, but yea. It'd probably happen.)


Fall Pictures

It's the start of a brand new year and so far, I'm loving it. The first day for me seemed a little rapid fire, but it was fun. I didn't go home and shave my head bald so I would consider that a successful first day. If you're like most parents I know, you like before and after pictures, be it your new garage, your new kitchen, or your student at the beginning of the year as opposed to the spring time of the year. A lot changes. Sometimes they smile more. Sometimes they don't. Here's your chance to see which one your student is. A smiler or a scowler. Here's the lineup:

  • Monday, August 22nd will be 1st-3rd Grade and Senior Guys
  • Tuesday, August 23rd will be 4th-8th Grade 
  • Monday, August 29th will be K3, K5, and Senior Girls
  • Tuesday, August 30th will be K4 and 9th-11th Grade
Now you're prepared and we look forward to seeing all those bright eyes and big smiles. Or scowls. But we can tell they're secretly happy deep down inside.

Attendance Policy

Please pay close attention to this part because it's very important and I feel this is going to take some of you by surprise. I don't want that. I think having more information and more communication is a good thing. Unless you're in church and someone wants to communicate during the preaching then it becomes a problem.

School is not optional. I repeat, school is not optional. Which means, FRCS is held to a certain standard by the state. Yes. We still have to meet state requirements in the attendance department. Here are a few things you need to know:

  • School starts at 8:00 and the student must be in their seat at that time or they are tardy.
  • You get 4 free tardies a semester. Four. Use them wisely. Accident? Free tardy. Flat tire? Free tardy. Once those 4 free ones are gone, welp, you won't get any more until the next semester.
  • You're late if you sign in after 8:13 am which will either be a demerit or a penalty depending on your grade. If you were at the doctor's office, get a note so we can excuse it and you won't get that demerit or penalty.
  • If you're going out of town, send us advanced notice via email, note, carrier pigeon, whatever, but please make sure we know ahead of time so we can get the information to the teacher.
  • If you need to check your child out early for some reason, we need advanced notice, if it's a doctor appointment, we will need the note the next day.
  • Your child have lessons for piano, guitar, clarinet, castinets, or buffalo whispering every Tuesday? Please send a note for your file. 
Look. It all boils down to...we need to know. We need notes. Pass them along to us so things run way smoothly and no one will look at you with a frowny face. Which wouldn't be me because I don't do that. Think Mr. K and you might be safe in that assumption...

Teen Revival

Let's start this year off right - join us August 24th - August 26th for our annual Teen Revival. If you're in grades 7-12, we'd love to have you join in the fun.

Smart Cards

Smart Card sales end September 2nd so be sure you're prepared. Remember, sell 4 and you will receive 1, sell 6 and you will receive 2 free ones. Each card sold earns you $2 while the rest of the money goes toward classroom needs. Already out of what you picked up? Well stop by the elementary office and get some more. I have plenty because...well...I know a guy. 


If you were a student here at FRCS last year and have not received your yearbook, come to the office because I know a guy and we can get that to you. For a small fee. ...and I'm kidding. No fee required. You can just have it.

101 Random

  • I think everyone pretty much knows this one, but China is the world's leading producer of silk. What you may not know is silk was actually found by a Chinese princess after a silkworm cocoon (sitting here typing that word, and for whatever reason, it looks so wrong. Everything about it looks wrong. Like there should be at least another c or something. Hmm. Who's the person who decides how words are spelled? I really feel like they dropped the ball on that one.) fell into her tea. It's said that when she fished it out, she was surprised at how she could unravel it and how it produced a long thread. What is not told is what her response was when she found the inhabitant of said cocoon. (I promise you. That word is spelled right. It just looks so wrong.) I must admire her for her ingenuity because I'm very confident that the last thing I would be thinking is, gee, how can I spin this and weave this thread to make a kimono...
  • Speaking of weird things, apparently there is a rare pink dolphin that lives in Louisiana. It's so rare that no other pink dolphins have been found. That just sounds so very lonely, doesn't it? Dolphins are social creatures. Maybe the other dolphins just think it's sunburned or something.
  • Ok, so I find this one extremely interesting and I will be looking at you all a little differently when you come into my office from now on. It is rumored that the shape of your eyebrows can indicate your personality. If your eyebrows are straight, it's said that you're fact-oriented while the curved ones mean that you're more people-oriented. I think the super high curved ones mean that you're addicted to McDonald's or are surprised constantly all day long, but I don't have a source for that. It's just my opinion. Pretty sure I'm right.
  • And here's another one that I find interesting. (Let me be honest here. If I put it in the parent page, I think it's interesting. You have been warned.) You know how there's a plant that eats flies? The Venus Fly Trap? Scientists have found a pitcher plant in the Philippines that eats...wait for it...rats. As in, rats. I don't know about you, but I believe that's a plant I don't want to get too close to. I mean, what if it has been rat starved for a while? Would it start thinking that small humans looked tasty? And if it did, would it try to taste you if you walked too closely? Or what about if that plant noticed a small cat. Do you see where I'm going with this? This could be a very dangerous and evil plant!
  • Trivia: What is a camel's hair brush made of? squirrel fur. (You didn't see that coming did you.)

Teacher Favorites

So many of you have asked, as in so many, and I said I'd have it ready for this week's parent page. It may not be a complete list, but if you'd like to view this year's Teacher Favorites list, please click this link. You can download it to your phone or you can print it out so you have a paper copy, whichever you prefer. But here you go and thank you for asking for it! (Both the Amazon Wishlist and Teacher Favorites are on this page so you may have to scroll to the bottom. I apologize in advance for any cramping your scrolly finger may incur.)

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