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May 5, 2022


5/6 Baseball Tournament, Home, 2:30

if we win, Championship will be 5/6 at 7:30 

MS Baseball

5/9 MS Baseball Tournament, Home, 2:00 & 6:00

if we win, Championships will be 5/10 at 7:30


5/6 Softball Tournament, Home, 12:00 & 2:00

if we win, Championships will be 5/6 at 7:00

Girls Soccer

5/5 Soccer Tournament, Home, 2:00

if we win, 5/6 Home, 4:00

if we win, Championships will be 5/7 at 10:00

Thank you!

This is the part of the year when everything seems to speed up to warp speed. As in, the weeks are so full that you simply cannot fit anything else into them. Mother's Day? I'm just going to take a chance and say that what most moms want for Mother's Day is another day between Saturday and Sunday. That'd be great. But probably not going to happen. If I put that in my empty promises agenda and ran for President, would you vote for me?

One thing we definitely want to do is thank each and every one of you who participated in this year's Walkathon. First, it always gladdens my silly heart to see you all walking around and around the parking lot. And those tricycles! Oh my word - way too cute! I'm happy to report we only had minor casualties, er, scrapes and bumps so that's good.

Now for the part you're waiting for. Drum roll please...

You all raised $64,000 for the new bus - woohoo! Thank you for your generosity! We appreciate all you do to make FRCS a great school.

**Walkathon Elementary Reward Day CHANGED!**

Please note - with rain in the forecast for Friday, the Elementary reward day for Walkathon has been moved to Monday, May 9th. As in Monday. The 9th of May. So that's next week, not tomorrow.

Exam Schedule

You ever hear someone say "you're testing my patience"? Well, you may not be testing my patience, but we are most definitely entering into the last days of school and those always include Finals. So included in this parent page for your viewing pleasure, or for your guidance on how to be prepared and/or what to study for and on what day this will be happening, please see the attached Exam Schedule. Good luck and I wish A's for everyone. Except maybe one. You know who you are. ;)



Last week, we talked about how we were having a new Honor Society member induction and how you were invited and how the requirements were to have good Christian character, good leadership skills, a gpa of 3.5 and yada yada yada. Remember that? Except for the yada yada yada. Well, the gpa is really supposed to be 3.6. So, yea. I got that one wrong. Sorry for the mass confusion this error has caused. Y'all are just on the ball - thank you for keeping me honest! I'm thinking about have a 'spot the error' contest for each parent page. Hmm. Think on this I will.

Anyway, to our newest members of the Honor Society, we wish you a hearty congratulations and we wish you only the very best. We look forward to seeing what God does with and through you.

State Tournaments

I know you looked at the sports schedule at the very top, so this is just going to be a recap. This Thursday through Saturday, FRCS will be hosting the TACS State Tournaments. Our teams are scheduled as follows:

Varsity Baseball

  • 5/6 at 2:30. If we win, we will play...
  • 5/6 at 7:30

Softball (<--congratulations to Coach and Mr. Olsen and their new baby girl!)

  • 5/6 at 12:00 and 2:00. If we win we will play...
  • 5/6 at 7:00

Girls Soccer

  • 5/5 at 2:00. If we win, we will play...
  • 5/6 at 4:00. If we win, we will go on to play the Championships...
  • 5/7 at 10:00

MS Baseball

  • 5/9 at 2:00 & 6:00. If we win, Championships will be...
  • 5/10 at 7:30

Good luck to each of our teams!

Teacher Appreciation

There's only two more days to show your child's teacher how much you appreciate them. Please stop by the wall at the South Hall and leave them a note. You don't even have to sign it, but seeing their smiles first hand when they read a compliment card is priceless. 

Thank you to everyone who has already left letters. I honestly believe I have the best job in the world and am surrounded by the best people on the planet. Thank you for being so sweet and awesome.

Lost & Found

Just a quick reminder that we are having a lost & found sale this week and the last week of school. We want to make sure everyone gets reacquainted with their lost goodies before the summer. Mom, if you haven't seen it in a while, you may want to either call me and see if I've seen it, or come by and check out the tables. They're in front of my office.


  • Just in case you're concerned about there not being Summer Day Camp and you have no idea what your kiddos are going to do this summer, I felt it should be brought to your attention that in 2008 the National Toy Hall of Fame officially included a stick to be forever memorialized as the world's oldest toy. Now you have no more problems because your child will have all the toys they should require for the summer. You're welcome.
  • Should you desire to give your adult cat a frosty treat, don't give them milk as they are lactose intolerant. And we all know what that means. Poofy-Kat will smell bad and you will have to put her outside because, yea. Cat gas is wrong on many levels. 
  • I've read that ripe bananas glow blue under a black light. Which to be honest would really freak me out if I looked out my window and saw blue fruit hanging from my banana trees in the middle of the night. Not saying I definitely would, but I might start wondering if aliens were real and these were their fruit. I'd go back to bed and pull the covers over my head and try to forget that I ever saw blue fruit.
  • It is rumored that Nikola Tesla hated pearls so much that when his secretary wore them to work, he made her go home. Here are my questions: how many times did she try this and I'm wondering if my boss hates them just as much...hmm
  • In 2004 Neil Armstrong's hair was sold for $3000 which raises many, many questions. Far too numerous to list here, but let's go with the most important one: who in their right mind collects and pays for hair?! Ew!
  • In 1733, Mr. Kent invented the first stroller. He intended this stroller to be pulled by goats. Not sure if this ever became popular or not, but I do see problems with this scenario. What happens if the goat pulling the stroller sees a tasty treat across the creek or river? Do you chase your baby or do you assume Mr. Goat will bring her back when he's finished eating? Or is the goat trained to obey his master's call? Goats are notoriously non-picky eaters. What happens if the goat turns a little and decides to munch away on the stroller? These are all interesting to me.
  • In 1928, Alexander Fleming went on vacation but didn't clean up his laboratory before he left, leaving a petri dish out that had bacteria in it. When he came back, he noticed there was moldy juice in the dish and no more bacteria. This is the world's first antibiotic. So next time you have to take antibiotics for something, just think. You're actually taking what was once called...wait for it...mold juice.


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