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April 14, 2022


4/14 Ezell Harding, Away - 6:30

4/19 Zion Academy, Away - 5:00

4/23 Franklin Christian, Home - 12:00

MS Baseball

4/14 Ezell Harding, Away - 4:00

4/18 MT Heat, Home - 4:00

4/2 Pleasant View, Home - 4:00

4/23 Franklin Christian, Home - 10:00


4/14 South Haven, Away - 5:00

4/18 Clarksville Christian, Away - 5:00

4/23 - Riverside, Away - 10:00 DH

Girls Soccer

4/19 Lighthouse, Home - 4:00

Walkathon April 29th

We're rounding the bend, people. Rounding the bend. Our 2021-2022 school days are numbered. 24 at the time of the writing of this Parent Page. Suddenly school seems so much more doable, doesn't it? We have crossed the Rubicon. There is no turning back.

Anyway, Walkathon is one of those wonderful things that always happens at the end of the school year. Or toward the end. The end end is graduation, but not everyone has a big graduation like the 6th and 12th graders. I mean people would kind of look at you weird if you said something along the lines of "Hey, I just graduated from second to third grade" because they know how much time in school you have left and it's not as spectacular. Yes it's a life change, but not quite as dramatic as a senior's life change. It would be the same as saying "I'm 17,520 days old." See what I mean? It really doesn't flow off the tongue.

Again. Anyway. (I really interrupt myself a lot. Oi I need to work on that.)

Walkathon is April 29th this year, and if you happened to be in elementary grades and suffered, er, enjoyed the less than balmy weather last Friday, you pretty much know that it's not going to change. That date is nearly set in stone. (I say nearly because as soon as I say for a surety it's not going to change, something will happen to make it change. So I'm not going to do that.)

  • $25 donation to walk (non-participants stay in classroom)
  • $50 donation for 2 hour fun day pass (K3-6th) or 1 day exam pass (7th-12th)
  • $100 4 hour fun day pass (K3-6th; May 6th) or 3 day exam pass (7th-12th)
  • $250 lunch credit of $25
  • $500 lunch credit of $50
  • $1,000 lunch credit of $100
  • $5,000 tuition credit of $1,000
  • $10,000 tuition credit of $2,500

So parents, if you want a quiet Friday evening, maybe a great way to start date night, this is your chance. We will walk your children until they beg to come back inside and do schoolwork. Ok maybe not that much, but we will try our best. 

Last day to turn in donations is April 27th.

Easter, April 17th 10:30 am

Growing up, there was only one time a year my church gave out candy. They were always in little tiny boxes shaped like a church filled to the brim with jolly ranchers. Those jolly ranchers were so good that that was the one time my older brother and I actually got along. We would shoot out of the pew (hard benches without padding, I'll have you know. No air conditioning either.) as soon as the preacher said amen and hunt down any unclaimed box that some poor soul had set down for a second. We made sure that church was spotless. No unwanted candy to be found anywhere.

Whatever the memories Easter evokes for you, we would like to invite you and your family to join us this Sunday for our Easter program starting at 10:30 am to learn what it's really all about. There will be candy hunts for the children (you're safe. I'm way too old, so I don't do the whole candy thing now) and a blessing for you and your family when you join us this Sunday.

We'll see you there! 

Gala, May 19th 5:45 pm

Who doesn't love to dress up and celebrate something as momentous as the end of another year? Here's a breakdown of Gala details:

  • May 19th at 5:45 pm
  • Embassy Suites
  • Formal event
  • Awards for 9th-12th; academics, character, leadership, fine arts, Varsity sports
  • Awards for 7th-8th only in academics and character (MS has a free banquet May 14th)
  • Buffet meal
  • $35 per student or parent of FRCS student
  • $40 per guest
  • Purchase in HS office
  • 5/13 final day to purchase
I think that wraps it up and gives you the details in an easily read and digestible manner. 

Nationals Results

Last week FRCS had the immense honor of sending 38 of our students to Nationals held at Bob Jones University. Nationals. You know, the one where schools all across the nation get together to see who is best at what? That's the one. Glad you're with me.

Students in Concert Band, SH Choral Group, Handbell Ensemble, Bible Teaching, Advanced Math, as well as 2 art pieces by ours truly, Amelia Babb. (Look, the whole thing strikes awe into my soul because let's be honest with each other. Art for me would pretty much look like a blob on a page and that's probably what I'd name it. Bob the Blob. So yes, these things impress me and make me proud of our students. And. Standing in front of people who you know are judging? Oi, that's not a good place for me.)

  • The Handbell Choir placed 3rd 
  • Kallie Kramer placed 3rd for her percussion solo (fyi, if you ever go to watch anything like these, please make sure your alarms on your phone are turned off)
  • Amelia Babb won 2nd in her polychromatic drawing and
  • Kristen Pease took 1st for her sacred piano solo My Tribute

Congratulations to everyone who went - we're proud of you! Thank you for representing our school on the National level! 


Thank You!

Remember how it was sleeting and it was suspected that a few snowflakes came tumbling down last Friday while we did Field Day? Remember that? (I really hope someone got pictures, because they need to be in the yearbook.) Well, thank you for supporting our 6th grade class even when things are less than perfect. It truly makes for some great memories when we all come together like that!


Summer Day Camp-canceled

Quick reminder. There will be no Summer Day Camp this year at FRCS. While I know this strikes fear into some of your hearts, I do know that others have it all under control and have already contacted their favorite babysitter and set everything up. Kudos to you for not waiting until the last moment!

We're sorry for the inconvenience this may cause, but we didn't think it would be a good idea to have children here on campus without any adults to supervise. I'm also pretty sure our insurance company would frown upon that so we're being responsible adults and letting you know now.

Enjoy your summer and make a million and three memories. Remember to take pictures and bring them back to the office because I'd love to see them next year. :)

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