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January 6, 2022


MS Basketball

1/7 Zion Christian, Away, MSG - 3:30, MSB - 4:45

1/8 Homecoming - Franklin Christian, Home, MSG - 3:45, MSB - 5

1/11 Zion Christian, Home, MSG - 4:30, MSB - 5:45

1/18 Franklin Classical, Away, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:15

JV & Varsity Basketball

1/8 Homecoming - Franklin Christian, Home, JVB - 2:30, VG - 1:00, VB - 11:30

1/11 Covenant Academy, Away, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

1/13-1/15 South Haven Tournament, Away, TBA

1/18 Franklin Classical, Away, VG - 6:30, VB - 8:00

1/20 JV Hoops, Home, TBA

Thank You!


Have you ever seen the smile on someone's face when you were a blessing to them? I mean, a real blessing? You know, like the time you felt burdened to give the struggling waitress who spilled her entire tray of Cokes a large tip because you knew she probably needed some encouragement after other people (of course it wasn't you) clapped for her. 

Did you stop at the door and look back to see the smile that lit up her face before you left?  

Well, if you did or didn't isn't the issue. You were a blessing to us and we wanted to thank you once again because the gratefulness, the smile and joy that you caused to light up Brother Lemon's, Pastor Norris's, and Mr. Kramer's (very hard to do for that last person, just sayin) faces was an excellent reminder of what fantastic parents and families we are blessed with here at FRCS. 

Thank you. 

Homecoming, 1/8

This Saturday, we would like to invite you to join us in celebrating the culmination of an excellent week of basketball games and spirit week creativity and cuteness with Homecoming. Starting at 10 am, you will get a chance to see who was selected to be the new FRCS Homecoming Queen, who is in the Homecoming Court, and of course, watch some exciting basketball games. 

For some, it will be their last Homecoming; the last parts of their high school story to be written. A page will be close to turning and this will be our chance to prepare to send them off into the wide world to hopefully be a beacon of hope as they point others to Jesus.

An exhilarating and yet terrifying time in their lives. Come out and wish them well with us.

If you are not a large flightless bird that likes to hide its head in the sand, you have probably heard that the CDC has changed some policies regarding COVID. In keeping with the current policy, here's what you need to know for FRCS's new policy. Please read carefully. 

  • If your student tested positive for COVID, they will need to quarantine at home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms. 
  • If someone in your house, not the student, has COVID, your student can quarantine for 5 days from the onset of family member's symptoms and can return to school if they test negative and are symptom free 24 hours before return.
  • If you're uncomfortable with that and do not want to have them tested for COVID, they will still need to quarantine for 10 days as previously required.
So yea. Now you have a choice.

Get ready because on January 28th starting at 9 am, you are about to be bombarded with cuteness overload. Yes, the 100 Day Parade is back on track, in the queue, and we're inviting YOU. (And that's the end of my poetry skills. Seriously. Don't ask me to do much more than that or I think my head will explode.)

K3 through 1st graders will be parading around the school and tossing candy to innocent bystanders (a fan favorite) because yes, these brave souls have managed to wipe their tears away and make it 100 days into school.

This is a big deal and we want you to be there to enjoy these precious times with us.

Did the first semester hit you upside the head like a feather pillow? Were there times when you were positive you weren't going to make it through? Did you dread taking home that penalty or signing that demerit because it meant there were consequences you were going to have to pay that you didn't want to?

I have good news.

This is the start to a whole new semester and just like watching those hands of the clock click past 11:59 on New Year's Eve, a new beginning has, well, begun. This is the last half of the school year. Time is ticking on and whether you like it or not, this is your job. This is what you were meant to do at this particular time in your life.

Your penalties? Gone. Homework offenses, tardies, and demerits? Reset to zero. Isn't that such a nice feeling?! So let's give it our best and hit the second semester out of the ballpark.


This Week's Interesting Things -
  • On average, January is the coldest month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the warmest month of the year for the Southern Hemisphere
  • The old Roman calendar had only ten months. January and February did not exist and the year actually started in March.
  • Did you resolve to be better at something? Well, if that's not working out for you, I have good news. January 17th is the day to ditch your new year's resolution. You're welcome.
  • Do you feel picked on? Well lucky for you, January 7th is Stand Up For Yourself Day.
  • January 10th is Peculiar People Day. Yay, now we have a whole day for those of us who don't quite fit in. How refreshing.
  • January 20th is Penguin Awareness Day. Which is awesome because penguins are pretty cool. Ha! See what I did there? 

and one dad joke - 

  • What did the digital clock say to the grandfather clock? "Look grandpa, no hands!"

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