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December 9, 2021


(Orders due by 11:59, 12/12)

MS Basketball

12/9 South Haven, Away, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00

12/11 Lancaster, Home, MSG - 10:00, MSB - 11:15

12/14 Temple Baptist, Home, MSB - 4:00

JV & Varsity Basketball

12/8-12/11 PCC Tournament, Away, TBD

12/14 Covenant Academy, Home, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

12/17 Jo Byrns, Home, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

Thank You!

I know this time of year can be a little, shall we say, daunting? But even in the midst of that overwhelmingness (is that a real word?) you gave willingly to this year's Christmas Project. And we thank you for your generous spirit. For both Christmas Programs, we were able to raise almost $2600 towards this worthy cause! Because in the grand scheme of things, you know as well as I do that getting the Gospel into someone's hand is what this season should truly be about. Telling others about the one True Gift—Jesus Christ.

If you would still like to donate or haven't had a chance to do so, there's still time. You are more than welcome to do so via your child's class so they can hit their goal and win their class prize, or here at the office. Whichever is easiest for you. We need all donations turned in by December 15th.

Spirit Night, 12/16 

Do you have plans December 16th? Wouldn't it be a wonderful time to gather the family and go ice skating? Or shopping? Or sit at a soda bar while Christmas songs filled the air? Sound too good to be true? It's not.

Join us at the Fountains December 16th and make some magical Christmas memories with your family as our very own Fine Arts Department thrills our little souls with songs of the season. And to make it extra special, purchases from select stores between 4-8 will donate back to FRCS. I call that a win-win.

See you there!

Exams 12/14-12/17

I realize that I'm a little bit of a weirdo (no comments necessary, Mr. Kramer) but exams always filled me with a type of glee. Yes, I'd cram so much information and notes and stuff into my brain that I couldn't see straight until after every single exam had been taken. I even tried the ole' learn by osmosis trick. My poor parents. But praise the Lord, they let me do it. I guess that's what happens when you have a child that won't/can't sleep the entire night through even at 17 years old. Things haven't changed much. Except the age and we aren't talking about that. Focus people. Focus.

Each 7th - 12th grader should have gotten their exam schedule. If you haven't, come see me. I have a copy you can have. Or download and print the one I've included above. Read over that copy. Peruse it. Learn it. Make it your friend. Because it's next week and you need to be prepared. 

Parents, if your student is finished with their exam, they're required to stay in school for the entire day. I know, I know. But just think of it as though this was a real job - which it kind of is. You have to stay at your business until quitting time unless there's a legitimate reason. Like, the building has blown away because of a tornado. Or you have a doctor's appointment (we're gonna need that note), or even you have the flu. Those things are fine. But like I said. We're gonna need the note.

Did you see those bins?! Goodnight they were bursting at the seams. So stop by and see if you can find Johnny's coat, or Matilda's hat and gloves, because it's probably in there. Or if you're hungry and didn't remember your lunch, there's probably one of those in there as well. But I don't recommend eating it. As always, everything's $1.

Half Day, 12/17

Have you ever seen students on a half day? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. There's this feeling in the air. It's tangible. It literally makes kids' faces glow with excitement and I'm willing to bet that December 17th, those kiddos would be able to light up an entire city block with their, shall we say, exuberance. 

So to be clear, we are having a half day on December 17th. Half day means 11:30 dismissal. There will be no late stay. There will be no lunch on the 17th unless you drive through Burger King after you pick your child up at 11:30.

Did you see that? 11:30 on the 17th. And no, there's no late stay. Questions? Call me. I'll help you.

Spirit Week, 1/3-1/8

Homecoming week typically brings a fresh assortment of festivities here at FRCS. Some years back people dressed up as animals. Some had twins they didn't know they had, some had some pretty exciting hair. So be prepared for the first week back to school to look, well, a little different. More details to follow!

December Birthdays

January Birthdays


This Week's Interesting Things -
  • Jingle Bells was the first song played in space...
  • ...and it was originally a Thanksgiving song. Which means it was cold and wintery when that song was written. I'll stay here in the warmer climate, thank you very much.
  • If you gave allllll the presents in that song that takes forever to get through, I mean, The Twelve Days of Christmas, not only would you spend an exorbitant amount of money on nearly useless items, you will have purchased 364 presents. Just throwing it out there, but I'm gonna go with a no-thanks.
  • In Ukraine, spiders are considered good luck. Here at my house, if they're big enough, that's an insurance claim waiting to happen because I *will* burn the house down.
  • There is a Christmas tree in Spain worth $15 million. (Just fyi, there is a much more reasonable tree at my house. If you want to purchase it, I'll sell it to you for way less than $15 mil. Come see me in the office. We'll talk.)
  • There is a pickle tradition. The first child to find the glass pickle ornament is the one who gets to open the first present. This was done to keep children from rushing to the tree and tearing into everything. I feel like I lost out on this one. My parents just said, "Don't do that or else" and I listened. Do you think this is cause for therapy? Asking for a friend...

Questions - 

  • What happened in 1961 that won't happen again until 6009? The numbers remain the same if you flip them upside down. 
  • If there are three apples and you took away two, how many apples do you have? You yourself would have 2.
  • What is Rupert the Bear's middle name? the

and one dad joke - 

  • What's ET short for? because he had short legs

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