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December 16, 2021



(Orders due by 11:59, 1/2)

  MS Basketball

1/3-1/8 Spirit Week!

1/3 Riverside Christian, Home, MSB - 4:00

1/7 Zion Christian, Away, MSG - 3:30, MSB - 4:45

1/8 Franklin Christian Academy, Home, MSG - 3:45, MSB - 5:00

1/11 Zion Christian Academy, Home, MSG - 4:30, MSB - 5:45

JV & Varsity Basketball

1/3-1/8 Spirit Week!

12/17 Jo Byrns, Home, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

1/3 Riverside Christian, Home, VG - 5:00, VB - 6:30 (Free Popcorn Night!)

1/4 South Haven, Home, JVG - 4:00. JVB - 5:15, VG - 6:30, VB - 8:00 (Free Candy Bar Night!)

1/8 Franklin Christian Academy, Home, JVB - 2:30, VG - 1:00, VB - 11:30 (Homecoming)

1/11 Covenant Academy, Away, VG - 6:00, VB - 7:30

PCC Tournament Results


You know how we're always proud of our teams when they play? This time, our Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys teams really knocked it out of the park. Wait. That's baseball. What's the colloquialism for basketball? Teamwork makes the dream work? Well, not sure if that's the phrase I'm looking for or not, but they definitely made the dream work with all the team work.

This past weekend, our girls and boys teams won the championship at PCC and they brought home the trophies. If you'd like to see them, come by my office. I promise you, you will not miss them. Because they're huge. And in my office.

Anyway, be proud of them. Tell them they did a great job because they did. And make sure you slap a couple of them on the back while you're saying it.

  • Boys All Tournament - Judson Bjornstad and Noah Tidwell
  • Boys MVP - Parker Applegate
  • Girls All Tournament - Bryleigh Dempsey
  • Girls MVP - Presley Applegate 

Spirit Night, 12/16 

Do you remember how 2020 hit us with so many different things that we had to learn how to be flexible? Well although this isn't on as wide a scale as that, and due to the upcoming weather issues, there will not be any performances tomorrow night. However, I am happy to report that there will still be shopping and businesses and the ice rink will still honor their pledge to donate a portion of their proceeds FRCS.

Exams 12/14-12/17

Christmas Project, Last Call!

This is the last time you can donate toward this year's Christmas Project. You know the one where we're trying to raise enough money to purchase a roll of paper for the Bible & Literature Foundation to print Bibles? If you'd still like to participate toward your child's class goal, you're welcome to stop by the office and we will get it to where it needs to be. 

An Exciting Half Day, 12/17

Pay attention in this part, please. There's a lot of important information.
  • Class Christmas parties will be happening on Friday
  • Early dismissal at 11:30 on Friday
  • Which means there will be no lunch on Friday
  • And no, there's no late stay on Friday. 
I feel like a broken record. Maybe I should make an app that repeats all the important information and you can play it back at weird speeds and make me sound like a mouse or an elephant or a dragon. Could be fun.

Spirit Week, 1/3-1/8

When we come back to school on January 3rd (which means you neeeeeeeeeeeed to have your lunch orders in by Sunday night on January 2nd) I hope you come prepared to support Spirit Week. Because if we have to come back to school, let's do so with fun and a happy spirit, right? What better way to do that than to have us all dress up in different ways?

Here's the lineup:

  • Monday - Athlete vs. Mathlete - come dressed as an athlete or a nerd. (I already know what I'm wearing. Super excited about this one.)
  • Tuesday - Duo, Trio, or Group Day. (Think peanut butter & jelly, Snow White & the Seven Dwarves, M&M's, or Mario & Luigi)
  • Wednesday - Time Travel Day (dress in an outfit from the past or the future.)
  • Thursday - Career Day (What do you want to be when you grow up?)
  • Friday - Black & Gold Day (This one is relatively easy for me, but maybe I'll come up with something that's out of the box. Or maybe not.)
  • Saturday is the culmination of this fun and exciting week. Homecoming Theme? Midnight in Paris. The festivities begin at 10:00 am.

The Return to Normalcy, 1/3 @ 8:00 am

So after the festivities of Christmas and New Year, school will resume on January 3rd at 8:00 am. And remember, lunch orders are due by midnight on January 2nd. (Didn't I already say that? Hold on folks, I could be losing my mind. Could be an interesting thing for y'all to watch. Someone bring popcorn.)

January Birthdays


This Week's Interesting Christmas Things -
  • Which popular drink is also called "milk punch"?
  • What do people traditionally put on the top of a Christmas tree?
  • In Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, what is Scrooge's first name?
  • Which country did eggnog come from?
  • Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
  • Which fairy tale was the first gingerbread houses inspired by?
  • What is the best-selling Christmas song ever?

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