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November 4, 2021

(Orders due by 11:59, 11/7)

  • Monday -11/8 - Chicken Rice Casserole, Chili Mac, Green Beans, Roll, Banana Pudding
  • Tuesday -11/9 - Sloppy Joe Sandwich, Potato Wedges, Mac & Cheese, Cookie
  • Wednesday - 11/10 - Chick-fil-A, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - 11/11 - Steak Biscuit, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Cake (Be sure to order your pancake breakfast before Sunday evening!)
  • Friday - 11/12 - Chicken Fajita, Chips & Queso, Vanilla Ice Cream Cup

MS Basketball

11/9 Black & Gold Game, Home, MSG - 4, MSB - 5

11/12-11/13 Turkey Jam, Away, TBA

11/19 Franklin Classical, Home, MSG - 4, MSB - 5:15

11/20 Franklin Christian, Away, MSG - 3, MSB - 4

JV & Varsity Basketball

11/9 Black & Gold Game, Home, VG - 6, VB - 7:30

11/19 Franklin Classical, Home, VG - 6:30, VB - 8

11/20 Franklin Christian, Away, JVB - 6, V - 7, VB - 8:15

Preschool CLOSED Tomorrow, 11/5

Have you ever made plans and went to the place where you had planned to be and it was closed? Tighter than a drum? No one would let you in, no matter how hard you banged on the door? Well, tomorrow, November 5th, that's what preschool will look like. There will be no preschool tomorrow. None. Nada. And nope, we won't allow your 'almost 5 year old' inside. Even if he can burp his ABC's, bless his little heart that's got to hurt.

But if you have a K5 - 12th grader, you're in luck. There's school and they're required to be there. Unless you've already written a note stating that they won't be and everything has been approved by the powers that be before hand. And if you've done that, then these sentences are kind of a moot point. So I'm just going to end this section with an awkward 'thank you very much' and I hope you have a wonderful Friday. 

 Last Pancake Breakfast of 2021, 11/11

There are good things and there are better things. And then? There are fantastic things that are simply amazing.

Well that's what our very last pancake breakfast was last month. I'm just going to throw it out there that that particular Friday morning was the start of a wonderful day. The kiddos were happy, the parents were jovial, and we lasted almost the entire day with full bellies and happy smiles. 

It was a success. Such a good success that we're having another one. You're invited. November 11th, from 7:10-7:50, you are welcome to come in and enjoy a pancake breakfast with your child(ren). But we do ask that you order ahead of time on RenWeb. 

Did you see that? 

Please place your order for your pancake breakfasts on RenWeb before Monday so we can be prepared. And then you'll be prepared and we'll all be prepared and no one will panic and there will be sticky syrup smiles all around with no confusion or dismay that you weren't able to get in on the goods.

Which sounds nice. But I have to ask.

Who's bringing the coffee?!

Veteran's Day Program, 11/12

You're invited to attend the FRCS Veteran's Day program on Friday, November 12th, in the church auditorium from 9:45-10:30 am. There will be a gift to those veterans who attend to show our appreciation and gratitude for their service. So wear your red, white, and blue, and be prepared to be blessed. 

Missions Conference, 11/14-11/17

There are so many enjoyable things in life. Apple slices, to puppies, to shopping trips and more, this life really can be so much fun. But in the grand scheme of things, what is better than leading a lost soul to Jesus Christ? Nothing. 

So join us for Franklin Road Baptist's annual Missions Conference, November 14th through the 17th. Starting each evening at 7 pm in the church auditorium, you'll be blessed to meet and greet families just like yours and mine who have surrendered their lives and are giving up their comfort zone as they endeavor to reach this lost and dying world for Christ. 

Thanksgiving Luncheon, 11/23

Have you heard that there's a shortage of turkeys? That if you haven't purchased yours already, you may not get the chance to have turkey for Thanksgiving? Yea. I heard the same thing. (And apparently cream cheese is the new toilet paper of 2021. Go figure. I always seem to hoard the wrong items. Anyway, I digress.)

In an effort to supply you with at least 1 turkey meal this grateful season, FRCS would like to invite you to join us for the Thanksgiving Luncheon November 23rd. From 11 to 1, you are invited to put your elastic banded skirts and pants to the test with our delicious and delectable food provided by our very own splendid FRCS kitchen staff.

See Mrs. Lawwell to purchase your tickets ahead of time so we can make sure we have enough food. It would be awful if we didn't. Like that one time when Uncle Fred said he and Aunt Gertie weren't going to make it and they thought it would be funny to surprise everyone with an unannounced visit on Thanksgiving Day? Yea. They saw the error of their ways when all they got to eat was Aunt Marge's infamous and rubbery fruit cake that she pulled out of the freezer from the previous year. 

Let's just say they never did that again. Ever. Don't be Uncle Fred and Aunt Gertie. Get your tickets from Mrs. Lawwell.

Cost: 3rd grade and down - $8, 4th grade and up - $10


November Birthdays

Mr. Kramer -It is not the 5th and it is not the 7th. It's somewhere in between.

Miss Gouger - November 22nd

Miss Turner - November 22nd

(Want the teacher's favorites list? Email me and I'll email you a pdf copy!) 


Last Week's Answers -  
  • It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it? Your name.
  • You're running a race. At the very end, you pass the person in 2nd place. What place did you finish the race in? 2nd.
  • Lionel was 11 the day before yesterday, and next year he will turn 14. How is this possible? His birthday is December 31st.
  • It's raining at midnight, but the forecast for tomorrow and the next day is clear. Will there be sunny weather in 48 hours? No sun at midnight.
This Week's Riddles:
  • The more there is, the less you see. What is it?
  • What can you find in Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn but not in Venus or Neptune?
  • What breaks but never falls and what falls yet never breaks?
  • You're driving a city bus. At the first stop, five women get on. At the second stop, one woman gets off and two men get on. At the third stop, three children get on. The bus is white and it's raining in March. What color is the bus driver's hair?
Dad Joke of the Day (brought to you by Mr. Driggs):
Where did Captain Hook get his hook? 

Know the answer? Figured it out all on your own? Come into the office and tell me and I will give you a candy. :)

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