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November 18, 2021



(Orders due by 11:59, 11/21)

  • Monday -11/22 - Chick-fil-A, Chips, Oreos
  • Tuesday -11/23 - Thanksgiving Luncheon (order your tickets now!)
  • Wednesday - 11/24 - half day, so no, we will not be serving lunch. Dismiss at 11:30-NO LATE  STAY
  • Thursday - 11/25 - Whatever your mom and Grandma makes for Thanksgiving. No School
  • Friday - 11/26 - Probably some sort of turkey leftover from yesterday. No School

MS Basketball

11/20 Franklin Christian, Away, MSG - 3:00, MSB - 4:00

11/22 South Haven, Away, MSG - 5:00, MSB - 6:15

11/29 Riverside, Away, MSB - 4:00

12/3 Hendersonville, Away, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 5:00

12/4 Lancaster, Away, MSG - 4:00, MSB - 12:15

JV & Varsity Basketball

11/20 Franklin Christian, Away, JVB - 6:00, V - 7:00, VB - 8:15

11/29 Riverside Christian, Away, VG - 5:00, VB - 6:30

12/4 Lancaster Christian, Away, VG - 1:30, VB - 3:00

Thanksgiving Luncheon, 11/23

I feel it is my solemn duty to tell you that Thursday of this week is Thanksgiving and that means we won't be having school Thursday or Friday. <~ Very important information here. No school Thursday or Friday and early dismissal on Wednesday and NO LATE STAY. Which is also important. 

If you haven't placed your Thanksgiving Luncheon order yet, you need to do this. Today. For everyone who wants to come participate. You can even dress up as pilgrims and Indians if you'd like. Which would be extremely fun. This is how it will work:

  • Place your lunch order on RenWeb before Sunday cutoff time for everyone who will be ordering lunch on Thursday.
  • Luncheon hours are 11-1, so come whenever you please during those times. 
  • Someone will greet you, take your name, make sure you're on the list, and will get your child to you. 
  • You will eat some of the most delicious food, 
  • You will be full and you will have fun and then you will probably leave because you more than likely don't work here. (Yes teachers, you may have lunch too [remember to order before Sunday's cut off time] but you will need to stay. Thought you should know.) There may be a burp or two, but try to keep that on the down-low because ew.
3rd grade and down cost is $8, 4th grade and up cost is $10 per tray and you can order your lunch online or purchase tickets at the office. We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you

It was super nice to see each of you last Thursday for another very successful pancake breakfast sponsored by Goodness Gracious. The food was delicious, the company was great, the smiles were delightful, it honestly made for a terrific day, so thank you. Thank you not only for supporting FRCS Athletics (as well as letting Goodness Gracious know that their food is definitely worth getting up early for) but for being the awesome people you are. You're pretty great. :)


First Basketball Game This Friday!

Hey, did your plans fall through this Friday? Did those tickets to the National Kazoo Competition accidentally get thrown into the trash? Was there maybe a group of you that were supposed to get together and try an escape room at the state penitentiary? (Uh, why would you even think about doing one of those at that place? I wouldn't get near that for a million cookies. Nope. No way. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my husband would completely 'forget' me in there and then they'd throw away the key.) 

Well good then. Because we'd like to invite you to come by and cheer your little hearts out for our basketball teams this Friday. (Which would be way more fun than being locked up in a tiny room. There would be screaming in panic, I believe. Anyway. I got sidetracked.)

This is the very first home game of the 2021-2022 basketball season! Remember, all home games are free to current families, and if you're worried about not having anything to eat, I've smelled some of the things they offer and yes, it's tempting.

See you there!

Christmas Project 2021

Every year, FRCS finds a project to raise money for. A ministry to be a blessing to. People to share something with. And this year, we're raising money to purchase rolls of paper for the Bible & Literature Foundation in Shelbyville. Near our own hometown. How cool is that?!

The B&L Foundation has been printing and distributing God's Word since 1968. With the many changes we ourselves have seen in the past two years, we can only imagine what an impact the pandemic has had on a ministry such as B&L. It's our goal to raise enough money to purchase rolls of paper so they can continue printing and sending out Bibles in a world that is desperate for the Good News of the Gospel.

If you would like to donate toward this, you can send money toward your child's classroom goal or give at the office. More details will be forthcoming.


Christmas Programs

It's here already. Just last week it seems like we were talking about how school was starting and now here we are talking about the Christmas programs. Wow things really do move fast, don't they? I have so many regrets regarding my time in school. Mainly all the naps I didn't want to take in Kindergarten. I could totally get on board with that now. 

Anyway, this year's Christmas Programs are right around the corner. As in, the Elementary (K3-5th grades) Christmas Program will be December 2nd at 7:00 pm, and the Secondary (6th-12th grades) Christmas Program will be December 7th at 7:00 pm. 

There will (more than likely) be band music, handbells, a skit or two, and probably some Christmas music. Which is everyone's favorite. Stay tuned for more information.


November Birthdays

Mr. Kramer -It is not the 5th and it is not the 7th. It's somewhere in between.

Miss Gouger - November 22nd

Miss Turner - November 22nd

(Want the teacher's favorites list? Email me and I'll email you a pdf copy!) 


Last Week's Answers -  
  • There is one letter in the alphabet that doesn't appear in any state name. What is it? Q
This Week's Interesting Things -
  • The first Thanksgiving was eaten with spoons and knives. (Great if you're eating soup or needing to use the butter. Not so great for balancing that slab of turkey on your knife. Or what if you have a wobbly hand? Use the spoon. Angry? Use the knife.)
  • There were only 5 women present in that first Thanksgiving. There were (supposedly) 50 pilgrim men and 90 Wampanoag Indians. For 3 days. (I'm not blessed with the gift of hostessing I guess, because I'd be breaking out the ole "Welcome, please leave by 9" banner and hanging it around some necks. I mean trees. Trees, yea. That's it.)
  • The best way to check if a cranberry is ripe is to bounce it. (Going out on a limb to say that for the jellied cranberry sauce, you would just check the date on the can instead of opening it to check the bounce. I think the mess would probably put a damper on the holiday spirit and your wife or mom would probably be contemplating terrible ways to hurt you.)
  • Until 1932, balloons from the Macy's Day Parade were let loose to float off into the sky. They offered a $50 reward for anyone who found a deflated balloon and brought it back. (I'm just glad they stopped this practice. Could you imagine a pilot trying to evade a collision with a balloon?! Or what the passengers thought if they looked out their window and saw a huge Felix the Cat staring back at them? Hope they had nurses on those flights. Sheesh, thanks for the heart attack, Macy.) 
  • The Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys play against each other every year (and the score is almost the same. Just kidding. The Lions just stink. My opinion.) Anyway, I asked my husband why that was and he went off on this really long speel that sounded like 'wah wah wah wah wah wah wah' so don't ask me what the reason was but there was one. I was just proud of him because he actually spoke. It's rare.

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