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October 28, 2021



(Orders due by 11:59, 10/31)

  • Monday -11/1 - Turkey Cheese Croissant, Chips, Muffin
  • Tuesday -11/2 - Taco Salad, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, Churro
  • Wednesday - 11/3 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - 11/4 -Cheese Tortellini, Salad, Garlic Bread, Italian Ice
  • Friday - 11/5 - Chicken Tenders, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Dessert

Basketball Practices

On Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays if there is no game:

MS Girls - 3:15-4:30

JV/V Girls - 4:30-6:00

MS Boys - 6:00-7:15

JV/V Boys - 7:15-9:00

For Thursday Practices:

V Boys - 3:15-4:30

MS Girls/MS Boys - 4:30-5:30 (curtain will divide them)

VG - 5:30-6:45

Cheer Practices

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays

MS - 3:10-4:40

Varsity - 4:40-6:00


 Don't Ignore It

If you read the above section, (no not the lunch menu, silly. The practices part) you should be aware that we will be going over the list of physicals and other forms we need for your athlete to participate in the games. Not sure what I'm talking about? Let me break it down for you. We need:

  • a current physical
  • 2 consent forms. I repeat. Two. Yes. We need two of the very same form. Both must be originals. One must go with the coach to all games, and one must stay here on school grounds. I realize this seems to be a little overkill, but trust me. If your child were to get hurt, you would most definitely want us to have this handy dandy little form. 
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest form 
  • Athletic Handbook form
Every single one of these forms must be read and signed for THIS school year.

Not sure if you've turned everything in? Call me. I have a spreadsheet with expiration dates and I'm happy to answer your questions.

We need these forms turned in before the Black and Gold game on November 9th or your athlete will not be able to participate.

 Speaking of Sports

I've said it so many times I've lost count. (I'm so dramatic, aren't I?) But I'll say it again. We certainly do have a talented group of athletes here at FRCS, don't we?

Volleyball ended their season with Presley Applegate, Kayte Madison Bjornstad, and Allie Lowhorn being named All-Tournament, with the MVP award going to Alyssa Bryant.

If Soccer is more your speed, you will be pleased to hear that Anderson Dickey, Ty Robertson, and Fletcher Lancaster made All-Tournament and Timothy Wax was named MVP.

What a great way to end the season - congrats to each of you!


Lost & Found

If you came into the commons area yesterday or today, I'd be willing to say that you noticed that there were a few tables out in front of the office. No they won't stay there forever. But they will be there until the end of school on Friday in this most convenient spot so you can look through lost items and find your long lost jump rope, lunchbox, cat sock, or gym bag. Because nothing is sadder than a lost jump rope. I mean for real. It tweaks your heart. 


Veteran's Day Program 11/12

You're invited to attend the FRCS Veteran's Day program in chapel on Friday, November 12th, in the church auditorium from 9:45-10:30 am. There will be a gift to those veterans who attend to show our appreciation and gratitude for their service. So wear your red, white, and blue, and be prepared to be blessed. 

It Has Begun

Did that sound ominous? Did it make you wonder what in the world had begun? What you had forgotten? What it was that I was going to harass you about next?! First, let me just say that I take my job as chief harasser pretty seriously. Not even going to kid about that. I love giving people a hard time. Love every second of it. It may be a character flaw. The jury is still out on that.

Know what else the jury is still out on? How the beginning of this brand-new 2nd quarter is going to be like. Is it going to be fabulous? Is it going to be a failure? Do you feel like you're already slipping behind and it's only day number four?!

Don't panic. This is the perfect time to raise those hands and get that help before this 2nd quarter gets away from you and goes from fabulous to flop in one giant plop. (I'm a poet and didn't know it. I could write so many songs.)

If you need help, reach out. We're here to help you. (And in my position, to harass you, but hey. We can't all have it so wonderful. I'm willing to take one for the team. Just sayin.) Don't fall behind because you didn't ask.  

Lost & Found 10/27-10/29

It's overflowing again. I kid you not. Small children are kind of afraid to walk by the bins, they're so full. Although they won't pull you in, it does need to be emptied. Which means we're having another Lost & Found sale next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Come prepared. Everything's only $1. 


 October Birthdays

Miss Harris - October 4th

Mr. Stanczak - October 7th

Mr. Lyles - October 16th

Mrs. Parson - October 21st

Miss C. Lott - October 26th

Mrs. Fuqua - October 30th

November Birthdays

Mr. Kramer - November 6th

Miss Gouger - November 22nd

Miss Turner - November 22nd

(You can see their favorites list if you click here) 

Well That's Interesting

  • There is an Annual Coffee Break Festival in Stoughton, Wisconsin. I think we should start our own tradition here at FRCS. Coffee and Cats. Or Doughnuts and Dogs. 
  • Dolphins sleep with one eye open. Kind weird. It's like they have trust issues or something.
  • Vacuum cleaners were originally horse-drawn, huge contraptions. Which would defeat the purpose of vacuuming, I believe. And where, I ask you, would you put the scented vacuum cleaner stuff?! I can see why they changed it.
  • The largest padlock in the world weighs 916 pounds. (Please tell me I wasn't the only one who wished it had actually been a gigantic cookie. Do you think there will be cookies in Heaven? Asking for a friend...)
  • There was a time in the good ole days that 'doctors' used spider webs as bandages. Who knew that they're high in vitamin K as well have natural antiseptic properties? How about that? Still, if someone who claimed to be a doctor tried to coat me with spider webs, there would be more than one patient in the room. 
The Jokes:
Last Week's Answers -  
  • What has to be broken before you can use it? an egg
  • What question can you never answer yes to? are you asleep 
  • What is always in front of you but can't be seen? the future
This Week's Riddles:
  • It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?
  • You're running a race. At the very end, you pass the person in 2nd place. What place did you finish the race in?
  • Lionel was 11 the day before yesterday, and next year he will turn 14. How is this possible?
  • It's raining at midnight, but the forecast for tomorrow and the next day is clear. Will there be sunny weather in 48 hours?

Know the answer? Figured it out all on your own? Come into the office and tell me and I will give you a candy. :) 

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