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October 21, 2021


(Orders due by 11:59, 10/24) <-----Sunday Night. Set an alarm if it helps.

  • Monday - 10/25 - Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Veggies, Dessert - Preschool ONLY because the rest of us have no school. No School. No School. No School. Seriously. No school.
  • Tuesday - 10/26 - BBQ Chicken Bites, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Strawberry Shortcake Cookie
  • Wednesday - 10/27 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - 10/28 - Cheeseburger, Fries, Potato Salad, Ice Cream
  • Friday - 10/29 - Philly Cheesesteak, Hashbrown Casserole, Glazed Carrots, Dessert


10/21- FRCS vs Cedar View, 5:45 p.m. (TAACS event gate fee: $8 adults, $5 students)

10/22 - FRCS vs Temple, 10:45 a.m. (TAACS event gate fee: $8 adults, $5 students)

10/22 - Class A Championship - 6:00 p.m.

10/22 - Class AA Championship - 7:30 p.m.

10/22 - Awards - 9:00 p.m.


10/22 - Boys State Tournament, Home, 3:00 p.m. (TAACS event gate fee: $8 adult, $5 students)

10/23 - Winners of game 4 and game 5, Home, 10:00 a.m.


 No School - 10/25 (Preschool Open)

Did you miss that? There is no school October 25th but Preschool is open. What does that mean? Let me explain. 

Monday the 25th there will be parent teacher conferences all day for K5 through 12th grade. But there will not be school for those grades. 

So please. Don't drop your children off at the door next Monday morning because we will call you back to come pick them up. It's that simple. 

Did that last phrase cause you a little panic? Did you automatically start wondering what in the world you would do with your child for the entire day? Let this veteran mother help you. 

  • You could give them a chore chart full of chores. Make it colorful. You'll want to use it later.
  • You could teach them how to recognize a sunburned rock and turn it over in the driveway. Always a fan favorite at my house.
  • They could give your dog a bath. Or the cat. Just make sure band-aids are available.
  • They could learn how to play the ukelele. It'll be fun. And such a blessing. You could play 'Name That Tune' with them. To this day, my brother *still* screams uncontrollably when he hears 'Hot Cross Buns'. He always was a little dramatic.
  • They could learn how to fold and put towels away properly. No more of this willy-nilly chaotic stuff going on. Stripe out, fold out. Happy linen closet.
  • They could change the sheets on the bed and learn how to wash them. Probably want to use the cheap detergent for this idea. None of this Luxurious Wash stuff from Acadian Pride. (I am so tempted to buy this just once and try it. However, I did find Zum, and I'm liking it for the three loads I've tried it on. But my personal favorite is Glamorous Wash, Diva. Oh dear what an amazing laundry detergent. I'm addicted.)
  • Bonus Round: they could learn how to fold a fitted sheet. I was five. My kids were five. And now I would consider us pros. We could win awards if that was part of the extreme sporting events.
Really, the ideas are limitless. I could go on, so if they already know how to do all those things and you still need some help, let me know. I got you.


Whenever and wherever games are played, there are winners and there are, well, not winners. It's just how it is. (I once owned a game when my kiddos were little where no one won and no one lost. It was the dullest game and the kids didn't want to play it. Scouts honor. We finally donated it to a thrift shop after only being played once.)

But our JV Volleyball team really did FRCS proud coming in 1st in the state. All Tournament was Kylie Ward, Emma Dugger, and Grace Tidwell. MVP went to Kayte Madison Bjornstad.

Congratulations ladies! 

Speaking of games and winners, let's chat a moment about Cross Country. These kids have it going on. Seriously. 

  • MS Girls - made 4th place
  • Lauren Scott and Hannah Griffin made All Conference
  • Lauren Scott was 5th overall, Emily Hernandez, and Hannah Griffin made All Tournament
And the list keeps going...
  • MS Boys - 5th place team
  • Jay Pearson made All Conference
  • Jay Pearson, Andrew Brown, and Luke Weinmann made All Tournament
  • HS Girls - team placed 5th
  • Anora Golden made All Tournament
and drum roll please...
  • HS Boys - team placed 3rd (Which is an FRCS first!)
  • Tripp Walker made All Conference 
  • Tripp Walker made All Tournament
  • Tripp Walker placed 5th overall
What a way to end the season! Thank you for representing our school so well. We're super proud of you all!

State Volleyball, Boys Soccer, Oh My! - 10/21-10/23

This Thursday and Friday, FRCS is hosting the TAACS State Tournaments in both Volleyball and Boys Soccer. Which means, you get to choose which you'd like to attend and cheer for. Because this is a TAACS event, there will be a gate fee of $8 for adults and $5 for students charged. 

Come out and support your team!  

  • VB - Thursday, FRCS vs Cedar View, 5:45
  • VB - Friday, FRCS vs Temple, 10:45
  • Soccer - Friday, FRCS, 3:00 
  • Soccer - Saturday, winners of game 4 and game 5, 10:00 a.m. 

ends 10/27

Have you been watching the news? Have you seen the boats off the coasts trying to dock? It seems like everywhere you turn, there are shipping or delivery delays. That's why you really shouldn't delay your Christmas shopping. Please. Start shopping now. Most women love candles. And, lucky for you, our Abby Candle sale is still going on now through October 27th. By my calculations, that's only 6 days left to order. (All orders and sales sheets must be turned in Wednesday morning by 9:00 a.m.)

Candles not really your thing? Well how about socks of the knee-hi variety? Something for everyone, I tell you. Check it out and get your order in today! 

Don't have an 11th grader that you know? Stop by the office and order - we'll take it from there. 

Fall Assembly- 10/27

And just to make things easy for you when you turn your sales forms into the office next Wednesday, we're inviting you to join us for our Fall Assembly in the church auditorium starting at 9:45 a.m.

That's right. Parent's and family are welcome to attend in person! However, if you're still a little wary of crowds, no problem. The program will be available to view via livestream as well. So great aunt Gertrude will be able to be there. Uncle Ferdinand will be applauding and not embarrassing you by still being in his bathrobe and slippers because no one will know. And Granny? Yea. She can smack her lips together and smile to her heart's content and tell everyone in the knitting club that that's her little angel right there.

Who's going to be there? Well, you, hopefully. Who's going to be performing? The students. Which students?

  • Elementary Choir
  • Elementary Handbell Choir
  • Middle School Band
  • Middle School Choir
  • Middle School Handbell Choir
  • Senior High Choir
  • Senior High Ensemble
  • Senior High Handbell Choir
  • Concert Band

Lost & Found 10/27-10/29

It's overflowing again. I kid you not. Small children are kind of afraid to walk by the bins, they're so full. Although they won't pull you in, it does need to be emptied. Which means we're having another Lost & Found sale next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Come prepared. Everything's only $1. 


 October Birthdays

Miss Harris - October 4th

Mr. Stanczak - October 7th

Mr. Lyles - October 16th

Mrs. Parson - October 21st

Miss C. Lott - October 26th

Mrs. Fuqua - October 30th

November Birthdays

Mr. Kramer - November 6th

Miss Gouger - November 22nd

Miss Turner - November 22nd

(You can see their favorites list if you click here) 

Well That's Interesting

  • In the 1830's, ketchup was sold as medicine. It wasn't until the late 19th century that it was sold as a condiment for those wonderful things called hot dogs.
  • The first $1 bill was issued during the Civil War in 1862 and it did not have the face of George Washington on it. The first face was actually Salmon P. Chase, U.S. Secretary of Treasury.
  • A chef's hat has exactly 100 pleats. Why that is, I have no idea. If you know, please let me know so then I'll know the rest of this interesting little tidbit. Thank you. As of this moment, I feel a little incomplete.
  • There is a fruit that tastes exactly like chocolate pudding called the Black Sapote. Bam. There you go. Now you can have your fruit, and eat your pudding too. You're welcome.
The Jokes:
Last Week's Answers -  
  • What five letter word gets shorter when you add 2 letters to it? shorter
  • With pointed fangs I sit and wait; with piercing force I crunch and wait, grabbing victims, I show my might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I? a stapler
  • I'm always hungry and will die if I'm not fed. If you water me, I'm dead. What am I? a fire
This Week's Riddles:
  • What has to be broken before you can use it?
  • What question can you never answer yes to?
  • What is always in front of you but can't be seen?

Know the answer? Figured it out all on your own? Come into the office and tell me and I will give you a candy. :) 

Ok so we had no takers last week, which means I get alllll the candy, thank you! Maybe you'll have better luck this week.


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