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September 9, 2021



(Orders due by 11:59, 9/12)

  • Monday - 9/13 - Chicken Rice Casserole, Chili Mac, Green Beans, Roll, Banana Pudding
  • Tuesday - 9/14 -Sloppy Joe Sandwich, Potato Wedges, Macaroni & Cheese, Cobbler
  • Wednesday - 9/15 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - 9/16 - Steak Biscuit, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Dessert
  • Friday - 9/17 - Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Ice Cream


9/10 Victory, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

9/11 Central Baptist, Home, JVG - 10, VG - 11

9/13 Pleasant View, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

9/14 Hendersonville Christian, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

Cross Country

9/11 Riverdale, Murfreesboro, MS - 10:00, V - 8:00

9/13 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50

9/16 V - TBD

9/20 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50


9/9 Pleasant View, Away - 4

9/10 Victory, Away - 4

9/11 Central, Home - 11

9/17-9/18 NACA Tournament, Dayton, TN - TBA


9/10 Montgomery Bell, Dickson Christian, Burns - TBA

9/13 Cedar Crest, MJCA, South Haven, Smyrna - 3:30 

9/14 Riverside G.C., Merrol Hyde, Nashville - 3:30

9/17 Nashville National, Pleasant View, Joelton - 3:00

Grandparents Day

Grandparents are so cute, aren't they? And just going to say it, grandchildren are a reward for making it through the process of raising our children. If you've made it to that wonderful time of life called grandparenthood, we have something special planned for you. Tomorrow, September 10th at 10 am, join us in the auditorium for a special program. And afterward, you're more than welcome to take your grandkids out to lunch. In fact, we're feeling so nice and sweet about this whole thing, that you don't have to bring them back after you're done. Unless you want to. Or they're being a pain. We won't judge. 

But we're going to need to know what your plans are. So please, drop us a line, let us know if you are taking your 6th grade and under grandkids out to lunch and if you're going to bring them back so we can plan accordingly.

Enjoy your day!

Jr. High Fall Retreat-September 16-18

Calling all 7th through 9th graders. We know you've been busy hitting the books and studying hard for tests and quizzes. And we're positive you need a break. A fall break, that is!

September 16th through the 18th, we would love you to come with us for some great preaching, some great teaching, and tons of fun at Indian Creek Baptist Camp. 

Cost? $80 plus food money for the bus ride. 

Parents. What about you? Do you need a break? Would you love to know that your child is receiving some great instruction and discipleship? Don't delay. Fill out the forms, slap your child's name on all their belongings, and say adios Thursday morning and be here Saturday to welcome them back, all refreshed and on fire for God. 

 Remember 9/11

September 11th, 2001. 

Some of us were mowing the lawn. Some were getting ready for work. Some were packing up the family to go to the state fair.

Most of us didn't know that tragedy had struck America earlier that day. 

Maybe a neighbor told you to turn on the tv or you got a phone call from your parents canceling plans. They said all they wanted to do was get together and spend some quality time with you and the kids.

You watched in horror as the first plane hit one of the Twin Towers in New York. Was it an accident? It had to be, but how in the world did a pilot not see a giant building looming in front of them?

But then the second plane came and in a macabre dance of mayhem and destruction, flew into the second building. Then you knew. 

It wasn't an accident. And it made you sick to your stomach. Made you watch and weep as you knew that thousands of people wouldn't survive. 

Wouldn't have a chance to hug a loved one. To tell another that they loved them one...last...time. 

Then reports came of a group of passengers on Flight 93 as they defied hijackers and took back their plane to lessen, if not stop, the growing death toll as they plummeted into a field just a few miles shy of the intended target. The Capitol Building. 

That day, we learned that heroes don't wear capes or have special powers. They have families that they love. They have neighbors that they care about. That strangers were willing to rush forward to save someone else - even if it meant they didn't make it out. 

They looked like you and me. Some wore suits and some wore police blues. Some wore firemen's hats and carried hoses to put out fires. Many worked for hours without a break.

Those down on the streets or those watching helplessly on tv - they also had something in common. Prayer. People you didn't know were praying for people they had never met. 

Because many knew that God was still there and He was the only One who could make sense of the mess that was thrown upon us.

On this 20th year anniversary, I challenge you to pray for our country. Pray that we as a nation come back to God. For a revival that has been a long time coming and we so desperately need. To realize that while things seem wildly out of control, we serve a great God that is still performing miracles today. He's still listening to our prayers. 

We just have to do it.

Remember 9/11/2001.


Excuse me, but do you still have SmartCards out? (I feel like the Grey Poupon commercial.) If you do, would you kindly return any unsold cards to the office post-haste? Thank you. We do appreciate your attention in this matter.

Order Your Mums Now

Mum is not the word. In fact, we encourage you to tell everyone you know that FRCS is selling mums. This year, we tried to make it easy on you. Simply go to and fill out your choices. 

Sale ends no later than 9:00 am on September 20th and pickup will be Tuesday, September 21st from 2:30-4:00 and September 22nd from 7:30-9:00, and 2:30-4:00 pm. 

September Birthdays

Mrs. Lancaster, Lunchroom - September 5th

Mr. Solie - September 9th

Mrs. Montgomery, 6A - September 25th

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