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September 23, 2021


(Orders due by 11:59, 9/26)

  • Monday - 9/27 - Biscuits & Gravy, Bacon, Fruit Cup
  • Tuesday - 9/28 - Soft Taco, Spanish Rice, Corn, Cinnamon Apple Tortilla
  • Wednesday - 9/29 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - 9/30 - No no, open the refrigerator door, and see what you can find because there's No School today.
  • Friday - 10/1 - Whatever your heart desires and your parents are willing to let you have. Again. There's No School today.


9/23 Riverside, Home, JVG - 4, VG - 5

9/27 Lighthouse, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

9/28 Pleasant View, Home, JVG - 4, VG - 5

10/4 South Haven, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

10/5 (Senior Night!) Victory, Home, JVG - 4, VG - 5

Cross Country

9/27 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50

10/4 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50


9/28 Pleasant View, Home, 4 

10/4 Berean, Away, 3

10/5 (Senior Night!) Victory, Home, 4


9/27 Pleasant View, Cedar Crest, Smyrna - 3:00

9/28 Central, Cedar Crest, Smyrna - 3

10/4 Cedar Crest, Smyrna - 12

Pumpkins and Mums, Mums and Pumpkins

When I'm sitting in my rocker on my front porch sipping my coffee and enjoying the cooler weather, there are two things that make that even more special in fall. Well, three, but even I am about over the rain. Which is saying a lot. Anyway I digress. 

Mums and pumpkins. Like pumpkin spice everything and bananas and nuts in your bread, those two things really get fall off to a beautiful start. It's like God is announcing in His quiet way to hang on a little bit. Maybe walk a little slower for few weeks. Take a moment and look around. Because things are about to get real. Real beautiful, that is.

Do you remember last year how we had to return all the mum money that was raised? (Thank you for your support, we did appreciate it. Truly we did.) Well this year, we went with a different mum provider and we had to guess on how many mums to preorder. So we guessed. (Go big or go home, right? Can I get an amen?!) So we went big. Which means...

We still have mums available. Now if you think you're good to go and you have all the mums you could possibly want, (not sure how that's possible, but ok...) there's other things you can do with mums. 

  • You can purchase some for family members. Instant hero status. You're welcome.
  • You can order a couple extra to use as fall decorations for that baby shower you're throwing this Saturday. (Yes. I'm in panic mode but oh so excited.)  
  • What about the neighbor who has mentioned how fabulous your porch looks again this year? Again, hero status. Which may help you out around Christmas giving time. Just throwing it out there. 
  • Really, the possibilities are endless. 
Here's what you do:

  • Drive by and check out the mums we have left
  • Pick several out
  • Come to the office (aka, see the Crazy Cat Lady) and buy them. We take cash, check, or (wait for it...) card! <--I know, right?!?!
The small size is $12 the large is $20.

What in the World is all the Fuss About?

What are mums funds used for? (mums funds. I don't know why but that makes me giggle a little.) Supplies and bigger-ticket items that teachers need. (No, that doesn't include mocha lattes or Crumbl Cookies or other personal items. Those things are fabulous but not what the money is used for.) More along the lines of new bookshelves, shelving units, paper organizers, things like that. Yea, the stuff we don't have plenty of. And by the way. While we're on the topic of raising money for our school, thank you for your generosity for all the mums and pumpkins that have already been bought. You all are the greatest. Truly. 

Are You Prepared for Fall?

After your porch has been decorated in all its glory utilizing our fabulous mums and pumpkins, remember that it is indeed fall. Which means that the weather is going to get cooler. Sometimes here in TN it takes its sweet old time. And sometimes it just drops like a hot biscuit onto the kitchen floor only to be scarfed up by Fido before you have even half a second to retrieve it. (In my case, Fido isn't a dog. She's a cat. And she has a bread problem. I kid you not. I have to hide it from her or she will eat it all and that's weird to me.) 

So please make sure that your child(ren) are properly attired and prepared for school. They'll need a jacket or coat complete with their name written on the label. I repeat. Please put their name on the label. You would be surprised at how many things I'm able to return to the proper owner when names are written inside. It's rather refreshing and it kind of makes me feel like a hero.

Fall Break

Is it just me, or are you ready for fall break too? September 30th through October 1st, there will be no school. (I'm hoping you noticed that when you read the menu at the top. If you didn't, well, you need to go back and read it again. I'll wait.) It invariably happens that when we have a planned break like this, someone *always* brings their child to school and tries to drop them off. So let me repeat a few items of interest.

  • No School on September 30th and October 1st
  • No Late Stay on September 30th and October 1st
  • No Lunches at school on September 30th and October 1st
Do you see a pattern here? This is time for family and memories. Enjoy!

Harvest Festival - October 16th

It's still going on and you're still invited to attend. Register at and we will see you there!

Lost & Found

If shoes could talk, I'm sure you would hear one singing "I once was lost and now I'm found..." because there's always a shoe or two (usually not a pair) in the lost & found sale. Which falls into the cat-eating-bread category of weird. You'd think they'd notice they didn't have a shoe. But okay then. 

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday you're invited to sift through the tables out in the lobby to find that lonely shoe that you've been missing, that lunchbox that forgot to jump back into your child's hand, or even if you wanted a new-to-you pair of socks (again, weird). 

Everything is only $1.

Tournament Results

The results are in and you will be pleased to know that...

  • Our Varsity Volleyball team placed 3rd out of 8 teams, which is great.
  • All Tournament was Alyssa Bryant and Karissa Ramos (the crowd goes wild)
  • The JV Volleyball team is currently ranked 7-1 (wonderfully fabulous!)
  • Our soccer team placed 2nd overall against some pretty awesome players
  • And Isaac Spencer, Noah Griffin, Fletcher Lancaster, and Timothy Wax were named All Tournament (way to overcome having 3 starters out. You guys did great.)
Overall, FRCS did pretty well. Congratulations, guys & gals!


September Birthdays

Mrs. Lancaster, Lunchroom - September 5th

Mr. Solie - September 9th

Mrs. Montgomery, 6A - September 25th

Weird Things You Don't Have to Know But May Find Interesting and Two Silly Riddles

  • Because their hippocampus increases, 15% squirrels get smarter in fall. (Not that you can tell by how many try to cross the road in front of you while you're driving, but maybe they're just playing chicken. They're not very good at it. Just sayin.)
  • Monarch butterflies fly south, migrating nearly 2500 miles to spend the winter in Mexico. (Seeing this migration is on my bucket list. I'm not even kidding. But I don't want one touching me. I'm weird that way.)
  • This year's Harvest Moon (bigger, brighter, and fuller) happened on Monday, September 20, 2021, and the official first day of fall was...yesterday, September 22, 2021. What a wonderful time of year!
  • The Northern Lights are stronger in the fall. (This also is on my bucket list. But I'd like to be on a boat in Alaska to see it.)
  • The largest pumpkin pie ever weighed almost 3700 pounds. (Which grosses me out. I don't know why, but pumpkin pie is not my thing. I feel like it's a crime and it makes my stomach queasy just thinking about it.)
The Jokes:
  • What always asks but never answers?
  • What tastes better than it smells?

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