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September 2, 2021


(Orders due by 11:59, 9/5)

  • Monday - 9/6 - NO SCHOOL. (Basically, they will need to eat at home because no one will be here to feed them.)
  • Tuesday - 9/7 - Taco Salad, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, Churro
  • Wednesday - 9/8 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - 9/9 -Cheese Tortellini, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert
  • Friday - 9/10 - Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Ice Cream


9/10 Victory, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

9/11 Central Baptist, Home, JVG - 10, VG - 11

9/13 Pleasant View, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

9/14 Hendersonville Christian, Away, JVG - 4, VG - 5

Cross Country

9/7 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50

9/11 Riverdale, Murfreesboro, TBD

9/13 The Hermitage, Nashville, MS - 5:20, V - 5:50


9/9 Pleasant View, Away - 4

9/10 Victory, Away - 4

9/11 Central, Home - 11

9/17-9/18 NACA Tournament, Dayton, TN - TBA


9/3 Montgomery Bell, Dickson Christian, Burns -4:30

9/7 Sculley Golf, South Haven, Central, Jackson - 3

9/10 Montgomery Bell, Dickson Christian, Burns - TBA

9/13 Cedar Crest, MJCA, South Haven, Smyrna - 3:30


Limits are a good thing. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some limits are like waist bands that grow with you. (There's a reason we all wear elastic waistbands on the fourth Thursday in November. So our limit can be a little bit bigger so we can eat a little more food. Or a lot more food. I'm not here to judge.) And there are some limits that should not change at all. Like the speed limit in the parking lot. It's not an option. It's not something that is negotiable. It's necessary because there are children here. And at certain times of the day, those children will be outside in the parking lots.

It's kind of difficult to get into an accident when you're going slow enough that a pygmy goat could pass you. But that's what we're asking you to do. Please. Slow down. The speed limit on campus is 10 mph and there isn't an exception that is worth hitting another car or a child. 

Trust me on this. We're watching you. We know when you're speeding. If you think this article is for you, well, it might be. 

SmartCards-Ends Tomorrow

Ding ding ding! (Please tell me that you said that in a high-pitched voice that made you think of a bell. If you didn't, I'm telling you, you have missed an opportunity to have a little bit of fun and I feel sorry for you.) Tomorrow. September 3rd is the last day to turn in any unsold smart cards and any smart card money. 

Are you panicking? Well you don't have to if you turned everything back in. If you didn't, well, um, yea. You may want to head home, grab the left over cards or the money from what you sold, and head to the elementary office to turn it all in. 

Because if you don't? That gives me free license to harass you. And you all know I'll do it. :)

New to FRCS?

Auditorium. September 7th @ 7pm. Be there.

Do you feel like a whirlwind has taken your breath away? Do you feel like there are 'so many' things that you don't know? Wouldn't you just love it if someone would take a moment or two and just answer all your questions?! 

Good. Then this snippet is for you. 

Tuesday, September 7th at 7pm is the moment you do not want to miss. Join us here in the auditorium, ask questions until your heart is content, and then follow your child's teacher to their classroom to ask even more questions. Honestly, don't miss it. Be here. You'll be glad and maybe you'll be able to breathe again. 


Positivity is usually a good thing. But when it comes to covid positive, that's bad juju and we're asking you to follow a few simple steps.

  • positive case in your house? Stay home and quarantine for 10 days.
  • while in quarantine, a new case arises? Start 10 day quarantine over from start of new person's symptoms
  • feeling sick but it's not covid? That's ok. Stay home. BUT. TEAMS is only used for covid quarantiners. It is not an option for the flu, for a cold, or for those who just don't feel like coming to school.
  • Remember! Flu, colds, strep, and stomach bugs are real. They are not myths nor have they been eradicated. Neither do we want you to share with the rest of the faculty and student body. Stay home if you're sick. (Please read my lips. Ok, fine. Imagine you're reading my lips and repeat this after me: 'School is not an option. If I'm really not sick, school is something I must do so I must get out of bed and get going because I don't want another tardy. I've already used all four of my free ones and the nice office lady doesn't want to have to give me a demerit.')

The Mums Sale Has Begun! and will end September 20th

Fall is my favorite color. And before you say something weird like "fall isn't a color" I beg to differ. When someone says they love fall, I would venture to guess that the orange, red, or yellow of changing leaves or the brown of steaming hot chocolate with glorious white blobs of mini marshmallows came to mind. 

It didn't? (What is wrong with you people?! Do you have no imagination?!) Ok well you stick in the mud, what about the deep smooth orange of a pumpkin? Huh huh? Yea. I got you on that one. I know I did. Only a strong person will admit it.

Anyway, one of the things I love most about fall are the mums that decorate countless porches across the country. Yes. The types of mums you see on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens. (Who really lives in those houses? I ask you. If I had a house like that, sheesh, there would be mums everywhere.)

Be sure to check out our mum sale so you too can festoon your porches with those delightful bursts of color. I don't think you'll be sorry.

This year all orders need to be placed online at .

Did you see that? All. And I repeat alllllllllll  orders must be placed online. You have been warned. Just so you know and you can't say I didn't tell you so, the purple mums always go first. So go now. Place the purple mum order before the rest. You're welcome.

Grandparents Day-September 10th, 10:00

Grandparents are so special that we here at FRCS have set aside a day where we can all come together to celebrate them. How awesome is that?

Join us September 10th at 10:00 am in the church auditorium. There will be singing. There will be poems. There may be a few tears as we watch our precious students bless their grandparents.

Afterwards, you’re more than welcome to take your child to lunch, or if you really were blessed by the program, take them for the rest of the day. Whatever works best for you. 

Be on the lookout for permission slips/flyers to head your way by Tuesday of next week. You're going to want to read that flyer. It's important.

**Spoiler Alert!** 

Grammy? Grampy? Do you have one grandchild in third grade and another in seventh? This joyous occasion is only for grandchildren in preschool up to sixth grade. *IF* you need to take your older child, as in 7th through 12th grades, out as well, we will...ahem...

need a note a week in advance so we can prepare the lessons that they...ahem...

will be required to complete and turn in.

You know what? It's easier if they just come to school and the younger children go. They've had their fun. Besides. 7th through 12th graders get Merit Day so it all works out evenly. Just throwing it out there.

Quarter Zips

If you've stopped by the elementary office this past week and you were a little observant, you more than likely noticed that there were a lot of black quarter zips on the counter. (Good for you for noticing - I'm so pleased!) Contrary to popular belief, they were not new decor. They're for sale and they're going fast. So beat the rush and check them out. Christmas is only 114 days away.

September Birthdays

Mrs. Lancaster, Lunchroom - September 5th

Mr. Solie - September 9th

Mrs. Montgomery, 6A - September 25th

 Did You Know?

1. September comes from an old Roman word - Septem and means 7. 

2. The first day of fall (a fabulous time of year) usually lands on September 22nd or September 23rd when the amount of daytime and nighttime hours are almost equal.

3. September 17th is Constitution Day. Do you know any Constitutional facts? Do you know the Preamble? The Bill of Rights? It's really interesting.

4. In 1752, the British Empire actually skipped 11 days when they changed from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar. (I can hear King George II now. "Meh. Not feeling it. This year is taking forever so I think I'll just skip a couple of days.")

5. September 1st, 1939, was the day Hitler invaded Poland and World War II started.

6. On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the U.S. by plane, destroying the Twin Towers, crashing into the Pentagon, and, because some passengers fought back, a fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

Answers to Last Week's Questions:

1. What kind of bird landed on Jesus's shoulder after He was baptized? Dove

2. The wise men brought three gifts to baby Jesus - Myrrh, Frankincense, and...? Gold

3. What was the name of Boaz's wife? Ruth

4. A horse is tied to a five meter rope in front of an old barn. Six meters behind the horse is a bale of hay. Without breaking his rope, the horse is able to eat the hay whenever he chooses. How is this possible? the other end of the rope is tied to...nothing.

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