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August 19, 2021


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 8/22)

  • Monday - 8/23 - Orange Chicken, Fried Rice, Egg Roll
  • Tuesday - 8/24 - Chicken Fajita, Chips & Salsa, Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Wednesday - 8/25 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - 8/26 - Alfredo Bake, Side Salad, Garlic Bread, Peanut Butter Bar
  • Friday - 8/27 - Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Ice Cream



8/16 Boyd Christian, Away, VG - 6

8/20-8/21 Bible Baptist Tournament, VG - TBA

8/23 Lighthouse, Home, JVG - 4, VG - 5

8/24 Hendersonville Christian, Home, JVG - 4, VG - 5

8/30 South Haven, Home, JVG - 4, VG - 5

Cross Country

8/28 HCA Trail, Hendersonville, MS - 7:30, V - 8:30

9/4 Webb, Bell Buckle, MS - 8, V - 9


8/30 Berean, Home - 4

8/31 Pleasant View, Away - 4


8/31 Sculley Golf, South Haven, Central, Jackson - 3

9/3 Montgomery Bell, Dickson Christian, Burns - TBA

COVID Procedures

Can you believe that we're already halfway through the first week of school? It has just flown by, hasn't it? Before you know it, it'll be May and we'll all be talking about how fast it has gone.

So let's talk about the middle of the year and what to do if COVID hits you or a family member. Because you know. COVID is a real thing and to be prepared, (or at least all of us on the same page) is an excellent way to start a new year.

  • If you or one of your family members gets sick and you feel you need to be tested, please do so. But remember to keep your child at home until a negative test comes back. 
  • If your test comes back positive, please notify the office, keep your child home, and ask a friendly neighbor or family member to drive by the office to pick up your child's schoolwork. (Yes, they will have to do their work.) We will deliver the books to your car.
  • Stay home 10 days from the start of your symptoms. A complete 10, please. No more, no less. After your 10 days are over and no one else has tested positive or come down with symptoms, your student can come back. There will be smiles all around, I'm sure. :)
What if it's a grandparent, aunt or uncle? (Look at you asking all the right questions. I'm so proud of you!)

If a family member that does not live with you tests positive, no quarantine is required. Even if you visited them two weekends ago. That's fine as long as no one in your house has symptoms. But I'm sure a nice card would be greatly appreciated. I was going to say fruit basket, but we all know that would be pointless.  


Imagine if you will, that it is 7:59 in the morning and you live 10 minutes away. You grab your kids, toss them in the car, jump in, rev your engine up a few times (because you forgot to put it in gear), and you race to school. You get here at 8:01. (You naughty person! I mean, how fast were you even going to shave 8 minutes off your time?!) You throw the kids out toward the general direction of the door, and you lean back in your seat and think, "We made it."

Well, yes you did. But those kiddos that you screamed at to run to class? Yea. Their teacher sent them to me. Because they're still late. And I have to give them a tardy slip. 

Students are supposed to be in their classrooms ready to start class at 8. And traffic in Murfreesboro is not an excuse. It's Murfreesboro. And there are a lot of people here. I agree that most of them want to drive under the speed limit when you're late, but traffic is not a plausible excuse. I'm sorry. 

Did you toss your kids out at the wrong door and you saw them running around the building to get to the drop-off zone? Again, you naughty person. Stop it! Drop-off and pick-up are on the East side of the building. Need to see the map? Have you tossed yours into the trash because you didn't think you'd need it? Here you go. I've attached one for you. (Creepy how I can read your mind, isn't it?)

And one last thing. Speed limit in the parking lot is always 10 mph. Even when you're late. (Look at me giving you all the bad news on the first parent page...)

Visiting? This is Your First Step

Are you one of those that have come into the building to see your little sweetie-pie and just snuck into their room because, well, no one would notice? It'll only be a minute or two. 

I wish we could just turn a blind eye. I wish that we could just let you roam about, peering into classrooms. But we can't. So when you come to pick up your child, or drop them off, you need to come by the office. We really can't have you roaming the halls. Even if you know where your child's class is. 

Stop by the office. We're happy to help. And even sometimes to harass you if the office staff is in a good mood. :)


If you haven't already turned in your child's authorization forms, we need you to do that as soon as possible. By my last count, we were short 200 forms and believe me, that's a daunting number. Please. I beg you. Bring me those forms all nicely filled out as soon as possible. Thank you. And remember. The first 3 classes to get them all turned in will receive a bag of candy from yours truly. (No. I am not above bribery. I find it is mutually beneficial.)

SmartCards and More Ways to Help FRCS!

Have you heard the good news? SmartCards are now available in the elementary office! Stop by and pick up, oh I don't know, 8? 10? Feeling spunky and need to feel the burn as you walk up and down your street selling cards to your neighbors? Fine. Take 20. But, whatever you take, remember to return them September 3rd or...yea. You'll be charged $20 per card unreturned. 

What do you get? Sell 4, get 1 free. Sell 6, get 2 free. Sell more than 6? Thank you. But you still only get 2 free cards per family.

SmartCards really not your thing? Are you more of a shopper than a seller? Me too. Now, you can earn rewards for FRCS via Kroger with their Community Rewards program here, at Publix Partners over here, and Amazon Smile over this way.

I mean, how easy is that? If I'm going to go shopping, at least now when my husband rolls his eyes that I went shopping again at least I can say it was for a good cause, right?!

Spiritwear Store

I know, it seems like we've done something like this before, but let's just think of that as a trial run, shall we? FRCS now has an online spirit wear store! How cool is that?! And they have some pretty cool stuff as well as a Grand Opening sale! That's right, now we're speaking my language. Give me a sale, and I start to walk a little slower and really look at the stuff.

Click this link and spend some time on the site. It's pretty amazing. I have many things in my cart waiting for my wallet to expand and we know what they say. "Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist."


Teacher Favorites

I know I know. I told you I would get your child's favorites list to you and I still haven't done it. I'm so sorry but I fell asleep. Again. Drat it all. I could probably rule the world if I didn't need sleep. Anyway, if you would like to peruse your child's teacher's favorites list, click this link and scroll, scroll, scroll until either your heart is content, or you know all the things, or you're just being nosy. Enjoy!

August Birthdays

Miss Barnes, 3A - August 2nd

Miss Armstrong, PK4 - August 6th

 Miss J. Olsen, PK3 - August 12th

Mrs. Hughes, 4A - August 16th

Mrs. A. Olsen - August 19th

Mr. Pearson - August 29th

Mr. Menne, 7A - August 30th 

Completely Useless Yet Interesting Tidbits and one Riddle

I don't know about you, but sometimes, I like to change it up. Just to see if you're paying attention. Yes I know. I've been called a brat before. I can live with that title. I feel like maybe it's a term of endearment or something. Or maybe I've just embraced who I really am. ;)

  • You would have to go all the way to 1,000 before you used the letter 'a' if you were writing all the numbers. 
  • You just counted to twenty-three to verify that last fact.
  • The opposite sides of a die will always equal 7
  • There was a man in Germany who made a diamond out of peanut butter.
  • Dragonflies have six legs but they cannot walk
  • Frigate birds can sleep while they fly. (I'm confident that I have seen students take tests while sleeping as well, but that's another article for another time.)
I fly without wings and cry without eyes. What am I?

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