time of year is always bittersweet for me. In a big way, I look forward
to summer vacation. I get to sleep in, work in the garden, clean my
house, play with my dog (yes, I love dogs almost as much as cats), go
camping and off-roading. Oh the list is endless, really.
But at the same time? My heart yearns for what I won't have every day.
There will be no kids coming in for a band-aid. No lunches will need to be ordered or delivered. No kiddos will stop by my desk and ask if I'm having a good day.
And I will miss that. I will miss those smiles that you so readily gave me. Those bright moments in my day when you picked on me about something or other. Those were the things that really made my days bright and happy.
Some of you told me that you're not coming back. And while it breaks my heart because somehow, you kind of belonged to me for a few months. I became involved in your life and I loved it - even in those super busy moments when you needed me to print something off for you when I had ten other people to take care of but you needed that paper for the next class, so would I please hurry? Yea. Those moments are gone and won't return.
And I will miss you.
I know this isn't the end for you. But it does mean I won't see you every day. Not the smile. Not the mischievous twinkle in your eyes as you take three pieces of candy out of the bowl when you think I'm not paying attention.
Trust me. I saw it. I just thought you were worth it.
know who you are. And though I'll miss you, I'm going to pray for you.
Because God has something amazing for you. Let Him give it to you. No
matter what, seek God's will for your life.
The rest of you? I know I'll see you again, but 'next year' seems so far away at the moment. I confess, I counted down the days til the end of school, but now that it's here? I'm sad to see you go. I'm sad there'll be a whole summer between us.
There's just something different about walking down a silent hallway with no singing children. No laughing. No times tables. No games.
It's like FRCS is holding its breath, waiting for you to come back.
I'll be right there too. Waiting for the classrooms to be full again. The smiles, the laughing, the band-aids, the cheese-touch.
So have a good summer. Enjoy your break, enjoy your family. But don't forget us here. We're preparing for your return; we're looking forward to seeing you again.
Be safe. Be kind to others. But hurry back. We've still got a lot to do together.