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April 8, 2021

 Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 4/11)

  • Monday - BBQ Sandwich, Baked Beans, Fritos, Rice Krispy Treat
  • Tuesday - Orange Chicken, Fried Rice, Egg Roll, Mandarin Oranges
  • Wednesday - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - Chicken Fajitas, Chips & Salsa, Vanilla Ice Cream Cup
  • **Friday - Field Day Menu - Details Below**


4/10 Pleasant View, Home, Girls - 10:00, Boys - 11:30

4/13 Thurman Francis, Home, MS Soccer - 4:00

4/16 Providence, Away, V Boys - TBA


4/9 Buchanan MS, Baseball - 4:30

4/13 Heritage Christian, Away, Softball - 4:00, Varsity Baseball - 5:30, MS Baseball - 4:00

4/16 Riverside, Home, Softball - 6:00

4/16 Monarchs, Home, MS Baseball - TBA, Varsity Baseball - TBA

4/17 Covenant Christian, Away, Softball - 11:00

4/17 Mt. Juliet, Home, MS Baseball - 11:00 

Field Day - April 16th

Field Day. The day where the elementary classes get to go outside and participate in games that will culminate in the winning of prizes. The day where you are very much encouraged to slather those children down with the 100+ spf (please don't say those letters individually. Please, for my sake, pronounce it all together as if it were an actual word and not an acronym. It's a lot funner that way. Thank you.) of your choice, strap five bottles of water to their belts and prepare yourself to follow them around all day swatting at flies, snapping pictures, chatting with friends, and basically, just enjoying your day with them.

Yes. You read that correctly. 

You're invited to come too. It'll be so much fun. 

Don't know what you would eat? Don't worry. The 6th grade class has you covered. Because they're providing the very special lunch for you all. And you have choices. Because we like choices. Read on.

Field Day Menu: 

Hot Dog Tray (hot dog, chips, cookie, drink, airhead) $5

Hamburger Tray (hamburger, chips, cookie, drink, airhead) $6

Extra Hot Dog - $1.50

Extra Hamburger - $2.50

Extra Drink - $1

Extra Chips - $1

Extra Cookie - 50¢

Does none of the above grab your attention? Does it not make your mouth water? Does it not make you think of those days gone by when you yourself were in 6th grade and you had a chance to provide food for nearly six hundred people? No? Well, you're not obligated to purchase this lunch. But if you don't, I think you should be aware that you will be obligated (especially by your hungry offspring) to provide a lunch for them. (I've noticed children really don't like to be hungry. Neither do husbands. Weird. I mean, c'mon. I fed you yesterday. Sheesh.)

Walkathon-April 23rd

Speaking of being outside. Because April is such a beautiful month (so breezy and beautiful with clouds and sunshine and singing birds. So not 100 degrees.) we're raising money for a new computer lab. Why? Well, because with people like Bill Gates and Elon Musk in the billions of dollars and with the US with more than a trillion dollars of debt, we need computers to even begin to compute things like this. I mean, can you just imagine the size of the HUMONGOUS abacus we would need to do that?!

Look. Let's be real, shall we? The whole purpose of school is to move forward. To learn. To grow. To teach children how to adapt and flourish in the real world. And today's real world is techie. It is not for the tech-impaired.

Technology is a thing. An ever-changing thing. And we need to be able to offer our students up-to-date technology. Make sense?

Here's your chance to keep FRCS moving forward (not reverting back to the abacus age). You can either sponsor a child with a one-time donation, with every lap they make, or even have the company you work for give a corporate donation in return for some advertising in our gym, our newsletter (this one that you are reading), or even have a personal ad on Livestream. 

Get alllll the details HERE.


What About FRCS Open House?

This has been quite the year, hasn't it? The masks are now optional, we can go places in our city, we can even go inside restaurants. All those little things that we took for granted in 2019 are slowly coming back.

But with all those things coming back and we stick one society-craving-toe into the proverbial tepid water, one thing that we won't be able to have this year? FRCS Open House.

I know. I heard you gasp in dismay. I've heard quite a few dismal gasps of late. And it's not my favorite sound. But. We're running out of room. Classes are either full or filling so quickly that it would be kind of rude to have an open house just to say, "I'm sorry. That grade is full" because it's not like we can finish it with "would you like to try this grade instead?" 

So. In an effort to keep all that gasping to a minimum, Open House has been canceled.

COVID Policy Update

Did you enjoy your Spring Break? Did you go places? I have it on good authority that many roads were thick with traffic and some even had a 6 hour drive turn into a 9 hour drive. (Insert wide eyes and frown here. I am not jealous.)

I know that some of you may not have been thrilled with coming back to school this past Monday. I get it. 

But to make the home stretch more palatable, there have been a few COVID Policy updates. I'm sure your children have told you. So let me give you a bulleted list.

  • masks are optional (yes. It was very weird for my face on Monday. I called several people to see if they felt the weirdness as well.)
  • all classes have resumed their use of the cafeterias
  • drinking fountains are back on (fill those water bottles, yayyyy!)
  • no visitors for lunch yet
  • no homemade treats for classes can be brought in. Must be from a business.
  • Field Day is open for parents!
There you go. Enjoy!

State Fine Arts Winners


  • Olivia Higdon: Spelling – 1st place
  • Rachel Ingram: Bible Sword Drill – 1st place
  • Klaire Kramer: Bible Sword Drill – 2nd place, Woodwind Solo – 2nd place
  • Naomi Spencer: Female Vocal Solo – 3rd place, Sacred Piano Solo – 1st place, Brass Solo – 1st place, Sculpture – 2nd place
  • Jesslyn Pearson: Classical Piano Solo – 1st place, Crayon – 3rd place, Mixed Media – 2nd place, Textiles – 2nd place
  • Ally Weaver: Classical Piano Solo – 2nd place
  • Amelia Davenport: Woodwind Solo – 1st place
  • Nathaniel Conley: Charcoal Drawing – 1st place
  • Choric Speaking – 2nd place
  • Youth Choir – 1st place
  • Handbell Choir – 1st place
  • Band – 1st place

Middle School

  • William Brown: Spelling – 3rd place
  • Kallie Kramer: Bible Sword Drill – 1st place, Percussion Solo – 2nd place, Piano Duet – 1st place
  • Julia Wax: Dramatic Interpretation – 1st place
  • Jay Pearson: Male Vocal Solo – 2nd place, Classical Piano Solo – 2nd place, Brass Solo – 2nd place
  • Avery Bryant: Sacred Piano Solo – 2nd place
  • Ryan Spencer: Classical Piano Solo – 3rd place, Brass Solo – 1st place
  • Ryley Underwood: Woodwind Solo – 1st place
  • Evie Chaffin: Piano Duet – 1st place
  • Amelia Babb – Black/White Pencil Drawing – 1st place (* Also received a Best In Show award)
  • Kati Borah: Charcoal Drawing – 2nd place
  • Youth Choir – 1st place
  • Handbell Choir – 1st place
  • Large Instrumental Ensemble – 1st place
  • Band – 1st place

High School

  • Dakota Jackson: Bible Teaching – 2nd place, Percussion Solo – 1st place
  • Jessica Lyles: Spelling – 1st place, Woodwind solo – 2nd place
  • Grant Meador: Preaching – Expository – 3rd place
  • Emily Petty: Oral Interpretation of Poetry – 3rd place
  • Josh Stanczak: Classical Piano Solo – 1st place, Sacred Piano Duet – 2nd place
  • Kristen Pease: Classical Piano Solo – 3rd place, Sacred Piano Duet – 2nd place
  • Isaac Spencer: Brass Solo – 2nd place
  • Karis Moore: Woodwind Solo – 3rd place
  • Debate – 3rd
  • Handbell Ensemble – 1st place
  • Handbell Choir – 1st place
  • Choral Group – 1st place
  • Youth Choir – 1st place

We'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate some pretty amazing TACS Fine Arts competitors. You all did a great job!

Did your child win an award? Are you wondering when they will get their certificates? Well of course you are. Every parent has a glory-wall for their child, right? (If you don't, time to get one, because these kids are pretty amazing.)

  • Elementary winners of 1st through 3rd place will receive their certificates May 18th at the Elementary Awards. (This is for 3rd through 5th grade)
  • 6th Grade winners will receive their certificates at the 6th Grade Graduation and Banquet, May 17th.
  • 7th-12th Grade winners will receive their certificates at the Gala, May 20th.

Senior Trip Fundraiser - April 5th-19th

Remember, April 5th through the 19th, Seniors are selling Little Caesar's Pizza Kits to help offset the cost of their Senior Trip.  

So find your favorite senior, order a couple pizza kits, help them earn money for some great memories, and enjoy all that wonderful food when it delivers May 3rd.

Want to see what they have to offer? So glad you asked. CLICK THIS LINK and voila! You will be able to see all they have to offer you. As in all the pages. Enjoy!

Summer Day Camp & Summer Band Lessons

Even with all these things going on around here, I'm pretty sure summer break has managed to sneak its way into your mind a couple of times. Are you wondering what in the world you're going to do or do you already have everything mapped out and planned with precision?

If you find yourself on the struggle bus (I think I'm the driver. I'd like someone else to take the wheel for a while, if you wouldn't mind. Serious inquiries only, please) FRCS will be having Summer Day Camp again this year. (I hear cheering from the masses.) CLICK THIS LINK to sign up!

Are you concerned the shiny new instrument you purchased for your virtuoso may become tarnished or dull with lack of use? Fret not. I have it on good authority that our very own band director will be offering private lessons. I can hear you now - where do I sign up?! CLICK THIS LINK for the lesson form! 

This Week's Question:

Two train tracks run parallel to each other, except for a short distance where they meet and become one track over a narrow bridge. One morning, a train speeds onto the bridge. Another train coming from the opposite direction also speeds onto the bridge. Neither train can stop on the short bridge, yet there is no collision. How is this possible?

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