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April 29, 2021

 Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 5/2)



You know how sometimes you watch the news (I really don't know why, but that's my opinion) and there's a really compelling story that grabs your attention and you just can't get enough of that story? And the newsman/newswoman says something along the lines of "the rest of the story after this..." and it cuts off to a few commercials only to have your electric go out for the next two hours?

What word would you use to describe that particular scenario? Aggravating doesn't seem to encompass the entire feeling. Anyway. That has nothing to do with this article.

The whole point of the aforementioned title and first sentence was to grab your attention. To make you wonder what in the world I was going to say about Walkathon. I mean, it's finished, right? There is no more walkathon.

Well, kinda. But not really. (See? How are my reporting skills? Are they improving? Do they seem to be on par with the weatherman's predictions? Do I have a future in the news industry, or should I not quit my day job?)

Walkathon itself is over, and let me tell you, YOU all were AWESOME, GENEROUS, and FANTASTIC. And we thank you because with your generosity, FRCS raised over $85,000 for our new computer lab and mobile iPad cart. Which we couldn't have done without you. So thank you. I guess I'll save my gigantic abacus for another time.

Now how is Walkathon not finished? Well, each class set a goal for their class. And if they met that goal, they get to have a couple of hours of fun-time in the bouncy house. (Have you ever stopped to think about bouncy houses? Are they not just big padded rooms where people go to let off steam? What a brilliant invention and I think I may have to ask the powers that be if staff should have their own bouncy house meeting.) If they didn't, well, suffice it to say there may be children with tears and hankies sitting in their classrooms while others are outside. If you'd like to know if your child's class made their goal, reach out to the teacher and simply ask. They'll tell you. 

Want to donate to make sure everyone in the class gets to have fun? You're more than welcome to do so in the office.

Teacher Appreciation Week

It's no shocker to anyone that there may have been a tear or two that has been shed this school year. Maybe a grade that wasn't what was wanted. Maybe you think there was a little more homework than should have been. Perhaps, just perhaps, your child's teacher was amazing and you have no issues. No complaints. Nothing to grind your pearly whites over. And that's fantastic.

Now, let's face it. Teachers are people just like you and me. They're human beings with feelings and thoughts and not everyone is going to get along all the time. Not everyone is going to do exactly what someone else thinks they should every single moment of every single day.

And no one is going to make everyone happy. Jesus, the Creator of the world was perfect and they spit on Him and hung Him on the cross.

Next week is Teacher appreciation week and we have an idea. Instead of focusing on all the things that you think your child's teacher should have done, or could have done, would you maybe think about focusing on something that they did right? And would you be so kind as to just tell them that? You don't have to buy them anything. You don't have to lie. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to. But I've noticed that kind words of encouragement do amazing things for people. It has an uncanny ability to lift heads, to uplift hearts, and give a little pep to someone's step.

It encourages them to keep pressing forward. All because of a kind word.

But Before You Go...

At the publication of this Parent Page, there are exactly 15 days left of school. (For those of you who just pulled out the calendar and want to check my math, I don't count weekends. I only counted days where we are at the school building. And I didn't count today. Because we're already doing today and we will not be repeating it. Thank you.)

Remember the beginning of school? Where you had an entire year to decide what way you were going to take this year? How you wanted to knock it out of the ballpark and make that A or A/B honor roll? Or wanted to get all your tests, worksheets, and lessons done without the teacher even once having to ask you to get it finished? Or what about how you wanted to make the best grade you could in your hardest class?

Did you do it? Did you achieve that goal? Or did you run out of steam? Don't tell me you threw in the towel. You're way too young to give up.

Look. The older I get (no comments, please) the more I realize that doing my best isn't something I should put off until tomorrow. I need to do it today. I don't want regrets tomorrow so I need to make today the best it can be. And even though I can't determine someone else's actions or movements or whatevers, I can make my own decisions and choose for myself how I'm going to react or finish the day God has given me.

For some of you, this will be your very last year of high school. Make it count. 

For others, this is your last year of being in the lower elementary. Make it count. 

Next year, are you going to be in middle school? Make the rest of this year count.

So finish strong. You're almost done. You can do it. 

Lost & Found - May 5-7

Speaking of only 15 days left of school. That means there's only 15 days left to rummage through the lost and found to find all the lost things that have been, well, lost. And by the size of the bins, for some, it's going to be like Christmas. 

We'll even go so far as to make it easy on you and we will have everything laid out in a semi-organized fashion next Wednesday through Friday. First come, first served. Good luck!

Summer Day Camp


And with only 15 school days left, that should remind you that your time is limited to sign your K3-5th graders up for Summer Day Camp. I mean, this is a good deal. $40 a day gets you a wore out child that has had fun with their classmates and you a few hours to get some of those things done you needed to do.

Forms are available in the office, or you can sign up here.

Answer to Last Week's Question:

1. Why are 1990 American dollar bills worth more than 1989 American dollar bills? because 1990 American dollar bills are worth $1,990 while 1989 American dollar bills are worth only $1989.

2. How many times does the letter F appear in the statement below:


3. A child is born in Boston, Massachusetts to parents who were both born in Boston, Massachusetts. This child is not an American citizen. How could this be possible? The child was born before 1776.

This Week's Questions:

1. John F. Kennedy was the youngest person elected to the presidency. How did it come about that he was the second-youngest man to hold this office?

2. Often talked of, never seen,
Ever coming, never been,
Daily looked for, never here,
Still approaching, coming near.
Thousands for its visit wait
But alas for their fate,
Tho' they expect me to appear, 
They will never find me here.

What am I?

3. True or False? Saturn and Jupiter are the only planets with rings.

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