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April 15, 2021


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 4/18)

  • Monday - Hot Dog, Tater Tots, Veggies & Dip, Fudge Round
  • Tuesday - Chicken Rice Casserole, Green Beans, Roll, Banana Pudding
  • Wednesday - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos
  • Thursday - Taco Salad, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, Churro
  • Friday - Sub Sandwich, Chips, Dessert


4/16 Providence, Away, Varsity Boys - TBA

4/19 South Haven, Home, MS - 3:00, Varsity Girls - 4:00, Varsity Boys - 5:30

4/20 Victory, Away, Varsity Boys - 4:30


4/16 Riverside, Home, Softball - 6:00

4/17 Covenant Christian, Away, Softball - 11:00

4/17 Mt. Juliet, Home, MS Baseball - 11:00  

4/19 Heritage Christian, Home, Softball - 4:00

4/19 Webb, Away, MS Baseball - 4:00

4/20 Webb, Home, MS Baseball - 4:00

Field Day - April 16th

remember to put sunscreen on before coming to school!

Tomorrow is the day the kiddos have been waiting for and the teachers have been preparing for. The day where students get to flex their baton relay muscles and win ribbons and certificates to decorate their rooms with. As old as I am, I still remember field days at school, and that's saying something because some times, I forget what day of the week it is. (True story. Fairly confident Siri thinks I'm mental.) 


  • 1st through 6th graders wear their special class t-shirt (will be provided)
  • PE shorts, I repeat, PE shorts. If they're not to the knees, yay, your child has grown, and boo, you need to get a new pair from the office
  • classes will meet at the flagpole at 8:30 am and move as a group to their scheduled events
  • parents MAY come watch
  • most classes will be finished around 1:30 - parents MAY NOT join their child in the classroom. Still under COVID policies, so sorry.
  • bring - sunblock, water, Gatorade, and lunch if you didn't turn in your special field day lunch order form

Walkathon-April 23rd

**Elementary Fun Day has been changed to Monday, May 10th**

And right on the heels of Field Day, where we do our best to tire your child out and hopefully help you sleep in a little on Saturday, is Walkathon. Yes, you read that correctly. Walkathon is here. As in, next Friday. Two whole possible sleeping-in-Saturdays. I dream of those days and I don't even have kids in school.

If you haven't turned in your Walkathon form, that's ok. Bring it before Friday with a $25 donation so your child can participate. We have people with their special handy-dandy hole punchers ready and waiting to punch those holes in those cards for sponsors to see. No underhanded stuff here, no siree bob. If that card says they walked 150 times around the lot, it's legitimate.

Want your business advertised? We have bronze, silver, gold, and platinum sponsorships available. Get details HERE.


May 20th is right around the corner. Ok, maybe it's not the next corner, but it certainly is closer than it was August 10th. Details, details, details. 

Join us May 20th for our annual (except for 2020) Minutemen Gala, a formal banquet for 7th-12th graders to fellowship and receive sports, academic, fine arts, and character awards. For some, this will be your first. For others, this will be your last, so plan to purchase your ticket (goes on sale Monday in the HS office) and make some great memories.

FRCS Accreditation

What do you call a team of 7 educators and a 5 year certificate? Accreditation, of course. 

Next week, Tuesday through Friday, FRCS will be undergoing a rigorous accreditation panel. Staff will be asked questions, documents will be scrutinized, papers will be filled out...the list goes on.

Sounds like a test, doesn't it? FRCS will be reviewed by the accreditation board to make sure that all of our ducks are in a row. Or our i's are dotted and our t's are crossed. Or that the squirrels are at least running about in an organized manner. Just kidding, but I'm sure you understand what I mean.

That we're doing what we've said we're doing. And next week, they're going to make us prove it. 

They're keeping us accountable - and that's a good thing. Their job? Make sure FRCS is maintaining a certain level of educational standards. Which I think is a great thing. Because the whole reason you send your kids here is because we're different. 

So basically, next week will be a whole lot of crazy with an A+ certificate that we can hang on our wall and you can rest easy that your child is getting a top-notch education. Brings a proud tear to my eye.

Senior Trip Fundraiser - April 5th-19th

There is a fancy little poster on the side glass of my office as you walk in. I'm sure you've seen it. It has pictures of tempting crazy bread and pepperoni pizza on it. I don't normally like to decorate with pepperoni's but hey, when you're trying to bring awareness to a fundraiser, you do what you can and take one for the team, right?

Hurry to get your Little Caesar's Pizza Kit in to help offset the cost of the Senior Trip. You can either find your favorite Senior, or you can do it all online here. 

The fundraiser id is 392059

All the seniors thank you in advance!

Delivers May 3rd.

Summer Day Camp & Summer Band Lessons

Even with all these things going on around here, I'm pretty sure summer break has managed to sneak its way into your mind a couple of times. Are you wondering what in the world you're going to do or do you already have everything mapped out and planned with precision?

If you find yourself on the struggle bus (I think I'm the driver. I'd like someone else to take the wheel for a while, if you wouldn't mind. Serious inquiries only, please) FRCS will be having Summer Day Camp again this year. (I hear cheering from the masses.) CLICK THIS LINK to sign up!

Are you concerned the shiny new instrument you purchased for your virtuoso may become tarnished or dull with lack of use? Fret not. I have it on good authority that our very own band director will be offering private lessons. I can hear you now - where do I sign up?! CLICK THIS LINK for the lesson form! 

Answer to Last Week's Question:

Two train tracks run parallel to each other, except for a short distance where they meet and become one track over a narrow bridge. One morning, a train speeds onto the bridge. Another train coming from the opposite direction also speeds onto the bridge. Neither train can stop on the short bridge, yet there is no collision. How is this possible?

The trains didn't collide because they left the station at different times. ;)

This Week's Questions:

1. Huron, Ontario, and Erie are all names of what?

2. What would you need to take a trip down the Amazon?

3. Where do you have to be in order to hear Big Ben chime?

4. Where are you when you're visiting Quebec?


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