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March 4, 2021


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 3/7)

Spring Sports Tryouts March 8-9

Practice Schedule - M, T, Th, F (unless there is a game or there is no school)

MS Boys Soccer - Coach Garrett Ramos - 3:15-4:45

MS Boys Baseball - Coach Terry Walker - 3:30-5:00

Softball - Coach Sally Jo Turner - 3:15-4:45

Varsity Girls Soccer - Coach Nate Bancroft - 5:00-6:15

Varsity Boys Soccer - Coach Tom Dasilva - 3:30-5:00

Varsity Baseball - Coach Justin Pearson - 4:15-5:45

Spring is Here!

You know, I think if the year started in a warmer month, like perhaps March, more people would accomplish their New Year's Resolutions. Resolutions like: "I'm going to lose weight" or "I'm going to walk the dog more" or "I'm going to keep the car cleaned out all the time" aren't as attainable in January as they are in March because there's just something about spring. It's the perfect time of year to actually want to be outside and do things.

Now imagine a class full of six or seven year olds who have been cooped up for nearly seven hours. Their brains have been stuffed to the brim with facts and lessons, and their little wrists are cramping because they have yet to master writing the letter q in cursive. 

You can see it in their faces when you peek inside the room. Someone will explode if they have to sit still for one more minute. I've seen it. The teacher's see it. And it's not pretty.

Those tiny people need to run around. A lot. But they really find it a lot more enjoyable if they have a jacket to run around in.  

Would you please help us keep the explosions to a minimum and make sure they have a jacket or a sweatshirt? It doesn't have to be cute. It doesn't have to match their shoes. But it really should be cuddly and warm. 

Everyone thanks you in advance. 

Achievement Testing - March 15th - 19th

Remember last year when we had achievement testing and the kiddos were so upset because they weren't allowed to leave school early unless it was for a doctor's appointment and they would be required to bring in a doctor note to prove that's where they went? Or they were required to be at school for an entire week because there aren't any unexcused absences allowed? Or they were concerned because the thought of the unknown test the following day was a little overwhelming?

I don't either. (insert one of my sarcastic looks here, please.)

The good news is, I'm pretty confident that this year's scores will be much better and higher than last year's. The bad news? Just kidding. There isn't any. 

Achievement testing is March 15th through the 19th. No unexcused absences. See you there!

State Fine Arts - March 25th-26th

Fine Arts. When our students have an opportunity to compete against other kids in their age groups to see how they rate in categories like Preaching, or Crafts, or Music. I love this time of year. I get to see all the projects and talk to the competitors about what topic they're going to preach about or what craft they're going to make. I love to see their eyes light up with enthusiasm because they're excited and a little nervous. 

I may be old, but I remember competitions. When I would be so excited and nervous that butterflies would take up residence in my stomach and I pretty much wanted to run to the bathroom every time I thought about it.

Ahh. Those were the days. (If any of you students start to harass me about things like covered wagons and horse drawn carriages, I will make sure to get even with you. You have been warned.)

If you placed 1st or 2nd, congratulations! Please make sure you are in your required competition time either the 25th or the 26th. And do your best. Even if you don't win first, if you do your best, you will have nothing to regret.

**Preschool will be open March 25th and 26th.

Spring Break - March 29-April 2

What good would spring be if there wasn't a Spring Break?! To give you and your family time to enjoy the beautiful changing of winter to spring, this year's spring break will be March 29th through April 2nd. Take many pictures and enjoy this special time!

Wait For It...

...because it will be hitting your mailbox soon. (No, not eggs or tomatoes. That's wrong and a federal offense, people. Knock it off, for crying out loud. Behave!) In the near future, you will be receiving special information regarding the annual FRCS Walk-a-thon (funds go toward new technology this year, woot woot!) as well as...(this part is pretty exciting, if you ask me)...Summer Day Camp.

Why is that so exciting?

Because we're that close to the end of the year. Mind? Blown.

Answers to last week's questions:

1. Mr. and Mrs. Clatter have five children. Half of them are boys. How is this possible? All the children were boys.
2. If a wheel has 64 spokes, how many spaces are there between the spokes? 64 spaces
3. Why is a manhole cover round? Name two reasons for two pieces of candy! Easy to roll off, and it cannot fall into the hole

4. If an airplane carrying the U.S. swim team crashed directly on the border between the United States and Canada, in which country would the survivors be buried? you don't bury survivors

This Week's Questions:

1. A black horse jumped over a tower and landed on a small man, who then disappeared. In what situation could this be possible?
2. If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle?
3. There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it?

4. Name one eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end.

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