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March 25, 2021



3/26 Temple Powell, Home, Girls - 4:00

4/5 Lighthouse, Home, Girls - 4:00, Boys - 5:30

4/5 MTCS, Away, MS - 4:30

4/6 MT Fire, Home, MS - 4:00

4/6 Providence, Away, Boys - 5:00

4/9 Pleasant View, Home, Girls - 4:00, Boys - 5:30

4/13 Thurman Francis, Home, MS - 4:00


4/5 Pleasant View, Home, MS Baseball - 4:00

4/5 Riverside, Away, Softball - 5:00 

4/9 Buchanan MS, Baseball - 4:30

4/10 Mt. Juliet, Away, Baseball - 11:00

4/13 Heritage Christian, Away, Softball - 4:00, Baseball - 5:30, MS Baseball - 4:00

Spring Break - March 29-April 2

Are you one of those people who just loves to snap pictures of everything that you do? Or are you like me and get nervous when someone looks at you and says, "Hey, remember the time when..." because you know there's not a chance that you're going to remember anything because you're getting old and you didn't take any pictures of pretty much any event at any time? No? Well, lucky you. Aren't you special...

For the first time ever, FRCS is opening up a chance for our families to be featured in this year's Yearbook! Simply snap a few pictures of what you and your family are doing this Spring Break and email it here to us. We will make sure it gets into the right hands. Who knows? You and your family could be forever immortalized in the yearbook.

Easter at FRBC - April 4th

It doesn't matter how much you love a gooey Cadbury egg or chocolate bunny, Easter is so much more than that. Join us here at FRBC April 4th at 9:30 (or 11 am) and help us celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and remember the Lamb who is still able and willing to wash the sins away of any who will ask Him to. 

Don't forget. He's still the same One who performed all those miracles so long ago. Let us give Him the glory and honor this Easter He deserves.

Have You Enrolled Yet?

Have you enrolled your student for next year? You need to. Grades are filling up fast! Have you called to see if we have spots left the next grade? If we've said yes, we have room, make sure you get your registration fee in as soon as possible. It is not our favorite thing to do to say no, we don't have room for you. It really makes us all sad. So bring in your registration money (check or cash) and save your spot. 

Senior Trip Fundraiser - April 5th-19th

Starting April 5th through the 19th, Seniors will be selling Little Caesar's Pizza Kits to help offset the cost of their Senior Trip. (Not the best time to be on a mozzarella cheese, bread, and pretty much everything else that tastes good restriction. I'm telling you, sometimes life just isn't fair! And yes. I did say that with a poochy lip.) 

So find your favorite senior, order a couple pizza kits, help them earn money for some great memories, and enjoy all that wonderful food when it delivers May 3rd.

I'm pretty positive that there will be at least 1 person ignoring their doctor's wishes. I'm a weak woman when it comes to pizza.

Elementary Field Day - April 16

Do not forget. April 16th, you will need to arm your child with plenty of sunscreen, full water bottles, and make sure they're wearing their new Field Day class t-shirt so they can most effectively enjoy this year's Elementary Field Day.

And yes. You're still invited to join us for this wonderfully fun and enjoyable time. 

What if it rains, you ask? Bah. We laugh in the face of rain! (Please say that with an accent. It's so much better that way. Thank you.) Actually, we have rain dates, but we're not going to talk about those now. We have faith that it's going to be a beautiful spring day. See you there!

Walkathon - April 23rd

Walkathon is a GO! (See what I did there? 'Walk'athon is a go? Too much? Moving on.) This year, FRCS is raising money for new computers in the computer lab as well as iPads for the mobile cart. You know how it is, technology changes so fast that it can be difficult to keep up. Here's your chance to help out. Sponsor your favorite student, (or least favorite if you want to wear them out, whatever works for you,) for our annual (except the spring of 2020) Walkathon event.

Are you a business owner? Would you like to have your banner hanging in our gym? Would you like to have your ad featured on Livestream during one of our home games? 

Would you like your child to earn a Fun Day Pass? Or what about the Exam Pass where they can leave for the day at 11:30 (after exams, of course)? Would you like to earn up to $2500 in tuition credit? We can help with that. 

Be sure to check out the flyers that were sent home this week. Wait. Did they lose it? Yea, we can help with that too. Stop by the office. We'll set you up. ;)

Answers to last week's questions:

1. How many cubic meters of dirt are in a hole 6 meters long, 2 meters wide, and one meter deep? None.

2. Try to do this one in your head. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Now add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total? 4100

3. In Okmulgee, Oklahoma, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not? wooden legs don't take pictures

4. How many three cent stamps are in a dozen? 12

This Week's Questions:

1. Which one of these would see most clearly in total darkness? A leopard, a bat, or an owl?

2. If it takes six men six days to dig six holes, how long will it take one man to dig half a hole?

3. In what year did Christmas and New Year's fall in the same year?

4. How many times did Moses go to Mt. Sinai to get the Ten Commandments?

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