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March 18, 2021


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 3/21)

Spring Sports

Practice Schedule - M, T, Th, F (unless there is a game or there is no school)

MS Boys Soccer - Coach Garrett Ramos - 3:15-4:45

MS Boys Baseball - Coach Terry Walker - 3:30-5:00

Softball - Coach Sally Jo Turner - 3:15-4:45

Varsity Girls Soccer - Coach Nate Bancroft - 5:00-6:15

Varsity Boys Soccer - Coach Tom Dasilva - 3:30-5:00

Varsity Baseball - Coach Justin Pearson - 4:15-5:45


3/19 Thurman Francis, Away, MS - 4:30

3/19 Berean, Home, Girls - 5:00

3/23 South Haven, Away, Girls - 4:00, Boys - 5:30, MS - 3:00

3/26 Temple Powell, Home, Girls - 4:00

4/5 Lighthouse, Home, Girls - 4:00, Boys - 5:30

4/5 MTCS, Away, MS - 4:30


3/19 Berean, Home, Baseball - 5:00

3/20 Buchanan MS, Away, MS Baseball - 10

3/23 South Haven, Away, Softball - 5:00

3/23 Goodpasture, Home, MS Baseball - 5:00

4/5 Pleasant View, Home, MS Baseball - 4:00

4/5 Riverside, Away, Softball - 5:00


Spring Concert - March 22, 7 P.M.

Calling all parents, all grandparents, and maybe your favorite aunts and uncles. Perhaps even a cousin or two. Join us here at FRBC for this year's Spring Concert March 22nd at 7 pm. Yes, you read that correctly. Everything is a go for an in-person-on-site Spring Concert where your precious children (grandchild or niece or nephew) will be wowing the live audience with their singing abilities, their handbells abilities, their instrumental abilities, whatever that special thing it is that they do, they're going to do it. 

You will see things like Concert and Elementary Bands, Elementary, Middle School and Senior High Handbell Choirs, the Senior High Choral Group and, drumroll please, Senior High Handbell Ensemble. Trust me, if you were going to try to go out on the evening to listen to concerts like these in Nashville, you would pay way more than what we're charging. (ahem. It's free.) So be sure to dress up and come support your favorite student. Or group. Or maybe even go just to heckle. Just kidding. Heckling isn't allowed. ;)

And I feel this year's performance is going to be way better than last year's performance. We'll just call it a hunch.  

State Fine Arts - March 25th-26th

Preschool is OPEN

**Preschool students will need to bring lunch from home!**

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are aware that next week, March 25th - March 26th is State Fine Arts. I know this because we've talked about it quite a bit lately.

If your 3rd through 12th grader is competing in State Fine Arts, they are required to be here during their scheduled performance times.You know what they need to wear. Because you're awesome like that. 

If your child is not competing in State Fine Arts, they do not have to be here. They can sleep in. They can spend the night on grandpa's farm and get up way way way earlier than me and help feed the animals or clean out the barn to be a blessing. 

I do not plan on being a blessing. I would call it more of a blob-like existence until I am required by my better half to make an appearance in public. Even then it probably won't be pretty. But I digress.

Preschool is open. I repeat, preschool is open. You don't have to bring them in if you don't want to. But you can if you do. The option is yours. Please be advised though, that you will need to provide them with lunch as the kitchen will be closed. I repeat. Bring their lunch next Thursday and Friday.

**Preschool will be open March 25th and 26th. Preschool students will need to bring their own lunch. 

Spring Break - March 29-April 2

Spring Break. What a wonderful time of year. It's like Christmas with warmer weather and flowers and trees for presents. The perfect time to plan your summer vacation because that's right around the corner. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. :)

However you decide to celebrate your spring break, be it skydiving, bungee-jumping, camping, or cleaning out your husband's hoarder-episode-worthy garage, we hope you're safe and enjoy your time.

And, just to give you a heads up, be on the lookout for new COVID guidelines coming to your email inbox soon! I'm praying it's good news.

Elementary Field Day - April 16

I know most students don't read the Parent Page. I get that. So I'll leave the reading of this particular section out loud to your discretion. Read it aloud if you want happy, bazillion-question-asking children, or don't if you want a little peace and quiet for about a month. I leave it up to you.

April 16th is Elementary Field Day. Where your child gets to wear their own special class t-shirt, go outside to play the day away, and win prizes for various activities. 

But wait. There's more.

Parents. Are you paying attention? This part pertains to you.

This year, parents, like as in days of old, will be allowed to attend the festivities. 

How awesome is that?! So bring your sunscreen, your hat, wear your comfortable shoes and prepare for a day of fun in the sun. (We do ask that you abide by our school's dress code. Thanks in advance for your help - can't wait to see you there!) 


Have you see the new scoreboards yet? We haven't either. But I have it on good authority that they all arrived at the school. In less than pristine condition. So less than pristine that they all, yes, all four of them, had to be returned to be fixed. Or replaced. Anyway. Suffice it to say, the scoreboard issue is being addressed and will be rectified as soon as possible.

There you have it.

Answers to last week's questions:

1. There is a town in Northern Ontario where 5% of all the people living in the town have unlisted phone numbers. If you selected 100 names at random from the town's phone directory, on average, how many of these people selected would have unlisted phone numbers? Zero. Because they're unlisted.
2.What five letter word does every Harvard graduate pronounce wrong? the word wrong
3. If nine thousand, nine hundred nine dollars is written as $9.909, how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred twelve dollars be written? $13,212

4. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on earth? Mt. Everest

This Week's Questions:

1. How many cubic meters of dirt are in a hole 6 meters long, 2 meters wide, and one meter deep?

2. Try to do this one in your head. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Now add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

3. In Okmulgee, Oklahoma, you cannot take a picture of a man with a wooden leg. Why not?

4. How many three cent stamps are in a dozen?

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