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March 11, 2021


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 3/14)

Spring Sports

Practice Schedule - M, T, Th, F (unless there is a game or there is no school)

MS Boys Soccer - Coach Garrett Ramos - 3:15-4:45

MS Boys Baseball - Coach Terry Walker - 3:30-5:00

Softball - Coach Sally Jo Turner - 3:15-4:45

Varsity Girls Soccer - Coach Nate Bancroft - 5:00-6:15

Varsity Boys Soccer - Coach Tom Dasilva - 3:30-5:00

Varsity Baseball - Coach Justin Pearson - 4:15-5:45


3/12 Central, Away, Boys - 5:00

3/13 Macon Road, Away, Boys, - 10:00

3/16 MT Fire, Home, MS - 3:30

3/19 Thurman Francis, Away, MS - 4:30

3/19 Berean, Home, Girls - 5:00


3/15 Pleasant View, Away, MS Baseball - 4:00

3/15 Heritage Christian, Away, Softball - 4, Baseball - 4:00

3/16 Monarchs, Away, Baseball - TBA

3/19 Berean, Home, Baseball - 5:00

3/20 Buchanan MS, Away, MS Baseball - 10

Achievement Testing March 15-19

no unexcused absences

Next week is achievement testing, so parents, be prepared. There aren't any unexcused absences and I'm fairly confident that your child may come home in a walking-comatose state. They may not be coherent and they may not want to string three words together because their brains are tired. 

Or I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. 

Basketball is Over. Here are the Results:

If you were paying attention, you noticed that things were always changing with our basketball teams' games. One day it would be one thing, and it would feel like the very next moment, a game was canceled here or this team had covid over there.

It has definitely been a roller-coaster ride. You know what didn't change?

Our teams. Their tenacity, grit, and determination. They represented FRCS well, I must say.

In the Middle School Tournament, our MS Girls took 1st place, with Kayte-Madison Bjornstad being awarded All Tournament, and Anora Golden with MVP.

The MS Boys took 2nd place, and Ben Walker was awarded MVP.

Our JV Girls won 1st place with Kayte-Madison Bjornstad, Allie Lowhorn, and Karis Moore taking All Tournament, and Presley Applegate took MVP.

The JV Boys also won 1st place with Peyton Applegate, Ben Walker, and Noah Pence taking All Tournament, and Judson Bjornstad took MVP.

You all did a great job and we're super proud of you all!

State Fine Arts - March 25th-26th

K5-12 grade closed. Preschool is OPEN

I feel I should have put a scrolling marquee sign above this paragraph. Something that would get your attention. Something you would notice. Uh huh. Stop glancing. You know who you are. This is important.

March 25th and 26th, we have no school for K5 through 12th grade. UNLESS you are participating in the Fine Arts Competition and placed 1st or 2nd in the district competition. Then you are REQUIRED to be here and be prepared to do your best and amaze everyone with your talents. Don't fail. Much is riding on your small shoulders and we don't take this lightly.

I'm kidding. It's really not and it's okay if you don't get 1st. We're proud of you for even being at this stage, so good luck!

Parents. If you drop your child off at the front door and they're not involved with Fine Arts or Preschool, you will be receiving a call to turn your car around and come back to pick them up. And depending on who's doing the calling, coffee or donuts may be required as compensation. :)

**Preschool will be open March 25th and 26th.


simple clock clipart - Clip Art Library

Time Change - March 14th

I really really really dislike this time of year for one very simple reason. No, it's not the birds singing, it's not the flowers bursting through the ground, it's not new growth in the garden, it's not the warmer days. 

It's Spring Forward time. Where they steal an hour of my precious, precious sleep. And I'm bitter and angry about it. Truly. It takes me at least a week to get over it. Probably a good time to implement my 25¢ complainy jar. I will probably be able to feed a family of four at the end of the week. I apologize to any of you who have to see me this coming week. It will not be pretty.

Turn your clocks forward Saturday night or you will most definitely be late for church on Sunday.

Lost & Found Sale - March 17th-19th

Our days are numbered here at FRCS. If we're looking at the calendar, we only have three more Lost & Found sales left.That's right. Only 3 more times where you might actually find that one shoe or that brand new coat, or the super awesome lunchbox they had to have and forgot to bring home. Twice.

Next week, from Wednesday through Friday, you will have a chance to peruse the items on the table. Find something you like? Only $1. Find something that you told them to look for four weeks ago? Only $1. Find a brush? Probably want to let that one go in the garbage. But if you must, well, no. Ew. We'll throw it away. 

You get the point. 

Have you turned in your green form? Have you sent in your registration fees? If you're planning on keeping your children here at FRCS, I'm telling you (think big, wide eyes and waving arms here) this is something you do not want to procrastinate on. I can't handle the pressure and when I get nervous, things get a little crazy. 

Friendly Reminder

Just a quick reminder - if you park in the upper parking lot to drop off your child(ren), please have them walk to the south entrance at the patio instead of east and in front of cars in the drop-off line. We would rather they take some extra steps and avoid all bumpers.


Answers to last week's questions:

1. A black horse jumped over a tower and landed on a small man, who then disappeared. In what situation could this be possible? Chess
2. If you were to put a coin into an empty bottle and then insert a cork into the neck, how could you remove the coin without taking out the cork or breaking the bottle? Push the cork inside the bottle
3. There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it? A window

4. Name one eight letter word that has kst in the middle, in the beginning, and at the end. Inkstand

Congratulations to Mrs. Horner who has consistently gotten nearly all my questions correct since the beginning. I think I may have to up my game a little. ;)

This Week's Questions:

1. There is a town in Northern Ontario where 5% of all the people living in the town have unlisted phone numbers. If you selected 100 names at random from the town's phone directory, on average, how many of these people selected would have unlisted phone numbers?
2.What five letter word does every Harvard graduate pronounce wrong?
3. If nine thousand, nine hundred nine dollars is written as $9.909, how should twelve thousand, twelve hundred twelve dollars be written?

4. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on earth?

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