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February 4, 2021



Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 2/7)


2/5 Berean, Home, VG - 6, VB - 7:30

2/8 Franklin Classical, Away, MSG - 4, MSB - 5, JVG - 6, JVB - 7

2/9 Franklin Christian, Home, MSG - 3:30, MSB - 4:30, JVB - 5:30, VG - 6:30, VB - 8

2/13 Lancaster Christian, Home, MSG - 10, MSB - 11, VG - 12, VB - 1:30

2/16 Pleasant View, Away, VG - 5:30, VB - 7


Fine Arts District Competition

Did your heart skip a beat because you could have swore that Fine Arts wasn't until February 11th and 12th? Well, you'd be right except for a couple important things. Let's make this easy, shall we? We will put the important bits in a bulleted list. (Actually, I think all the parts of the Parent Page are important, but apparently I'm the only one. I could be biased.) Please read on.
  • Our performing groups (i.e., Choric Speaking, Choir, Handbells, Band) will not be going to Hendersonville. Before you start throwing the rotten tomatoes, please continue reading. 
  • These groups will be recording their entries HERE at FRCS on Thursday, Friday, and Monday. (Note the pretty color changes. Because I like blue, purple, and green. That's what happens when they allow you to write the Parent Page blog.)
  • Thursday - Choric Speaking and Choir. 
  • Friday - Middle School Choir, Large Instrumental Ensemble, and Band; Senior High Choric Speaking
  • Monday - Middle School Handbells; Senior High Handbells, Ensemble, and Choir
Elementary Dress Code: 
  • Girls - White long sleeve top (plain, no pictures or words. I repeat with italics-plain. No pictures or words), black skirt below the knee, and black shoes.
  • Boys - White long sleeve button-down shirt, black dress pants, and black shoes. No roller skates. No orange high tops. This is not the time to express yourself other than singing or speaking to the best of your ability so behave.
Middle School Groups and High School Choir and Choric Speaking Dress Code
  • Boys - black pants, black shoes and white button-down shirt. A tie will be provided for you at school.
  • Girls - black skirt, black shoes, and white blouse/sweater
Senior High Band, Handbells, and Ensemble Dress:
  • Boys - Black suit, black shoes, white button-down shirt. A tie will be provided.
  • Girls - Black competition dress and black shoes.

So let's do this, shall we? Let's give them a recording they'll ooh and ahh over for years to come. Maybe they'll write A+ A+ A+ A+ all over the scoring sheet and we could frame it and hang it in the halls for others to see how wonderful our team did.

As you know, last week was the PCA Tournament and while we didn't walk away with the championship, we are proud of our teams and would like to congratulate Ellie Kate Baxter, Parker Applegate, and Tripp Walker for making All-Tournament. We just can't say enough how proud we are of you all!

when you order option 1, you will receive this cute and cuddly 10" bear!
Last Day to Order: February 5th

You got that email that looked so good and then, yea. I had to send out a retraction email. But hey. On the plus side? I've kept you on your toes and everyone knows strong toes are good for you. Next time you stub your baby toe on something and you don't melt into the floor in a pile of tears, you can thank me. 

The last day to order Valentine's gifts that are delivered in front of classmates is February 5th. Again I repeat. (I feel like I do that a lot) February 5th is the last day to order. (Money is due with order, please so we don't have to chase you down and make spectacles of ourselves. Thank you.)
What are we ordering? You curious thing you. ;)
Option 1
  • 10" stuffed bear <---Did you see that size?! TEN"!
  • Candy (either Sour Patch Kids or M&Ms - pick one)
  • Balloon
  • Note
 Option 2
  • Candy (either Sour Patch Kids or M&Ms)
  • Balloon
  • Note
Did you lose your order form? Or are you wanting to not procrastinate and get an extra form so you're not scrambling and panicking like usual?  We have plenty in the office. If we run out, we will get more. Delivery date is February 12th.

You ever wish you could take the day off because, well, you've had a rough week or two? Or three? Well here you go. 
February 15th, there is no school. Preschool through 12th grade. No. School. 3rd grade? No school. 7th grade? No school. 8th, 9th, and 2nd? Nada. Zip. Zilch. There will be:
No Lunches.
No PE.
No Chapel.
No Choir. 
No Band. 
No Late Stay. 
No School. 

Winter is Still Here
Do you like roller coasters? I love them. Absolutely love them. That is my goal when I retire. To travel across the United States and try them all. Big ones. Little ones. Whatever. But I'm not a big fan when winter is on a roller coaster and can't make up it's mind which way it's going to go. One day it's cold enough to start your car twenty minutes early the next, you're riding into work with the windows down because it's warm and balmy.

 So please. Because winter seems to be confused and the weatherman is finding it more difficult than usual to make accurate predictions, make sure your child has a coat. Scarf and mittens too if you have faith that it's going to get cold enough to snow and actually stick. (I guess I need to work on my prayer life because Monday was a fiasco. I waited until the very last minute to get ready for work. If we all fast and pray, maybe we will get a snow day...)

Answers to last week's questions:

1. How can you physically stand behind your father while he is standing behind you? Stand back to back.

2. How many seconds are in a year? 12. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd...etc.

3. What is the next letter in the following sequence? O  T  T  F  F  S  S E; one, two, three, four, five...etc.

4. Charlie Chromedome went for a walk without an umbrella. He did not wear a hat and he did not take refuge under a shelter; yet not one hair on his head got wet. How was this possible? It wasn't raining.

This Week's Questions:

1. On which day did God make the sun?
2. The 22nd and 24th presidents of the United States had the same mother and the same father, but were not brothers. How was this possible?
3. Two mothers and two daughters were fishing. They managed to catch one big fish, one small fish, and one fat fish. Since only three fish were caught, how is it possible that they each took home a fish?

4. There is a word in the English language in which the first two letters signify a male, the first three signify a female, the first four signify a great man, and the whole word, a great woman. What is the word?

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