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February 25, 2021

Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 2/28)

2/25 Franklin Christian, Away, MSG - 6, MSB - 7

2/25-2/27 Varsity State Basketball Tournament, TBD 

2/26 Lancaster, Home, MSG - 5, MSB - 6

3/4-3/5 JV Regional Tournament, Fairview, Away, TBD

Did You Get It? 

Last week was epic. Truly epic. Every single day, enjoyable beyond compare. Beautiful snow, sleds, snowmen, snowballs; everyone was happy.

(Everyone with the possible exception of Mr. Kramer. Why do I imagine him staring out the window with a scowl while myriads of children in his neighborhood throw snowballs at one another and laugh with glee? But I digress.)

Monday, we received the glorious text: Parent_Alert: FRCS K3-12, will be closed for Tuesday...and that's pretty much where we all stopped reading.

Then Tuesday happened: Parent_Alert: FRCS K3-12 will be closed for Wednesday...

I thought, "For sure, we will be back on Wednesday. This can't happen again. There's no way." But sure enough, Wednesday we were out as well. It was amazing.

All week was amazing.

But did you get the chance to know how amazing and epic this was? Did you get those texts? Did you miss out on that flip of the stomach when your phone buzzed and you read that tomorrow, you get to sleep in past 5 am?

If you didn't, I truly am sorry for your loss. And by all means, call us and let us know you didn't receive them so we can check it out and make sure we have the correct information down for you.

So that next time, you too can be a recipient of epic texts and stomach flip-flops.

Open Enrollment Starts March 1st

What does The Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists, the British Lawnmower Racing Association, the Cloud Appreciation Society, and The Extreme Ironing Bureau all have in common with FRCS?

Each one is something to which one can belong and each of them has an enrollment process. 

To belong to one of those aforementioned clubs, you must be a scientist with long flowing hair. If you're a member of another, you receive a cloud selector identification wheel (what that actually is, I have no idea so please don't ask) and there's one that makes me think there are some people with a slightly less than healthy attachment to their iron and ironing board.

But it's simple to enroll in FRCS for the upcoming school year. (Can you believe that we've made it this far without shutting completely down? Last week doesn't count. We are grateful for last week.) Come into the office with your green re-enrollment form and your registration fee, slap it down on that desk, (gently or your hand could sting a little afterward) and voila! You're a member for another year at FRCS. 

And we won't require you to bring your iron and ironing board to school. Unless you're really wrinkly. But I don't think that's going to happen. 

Hurry though. Open enrollment for the public begins March 1st, and I would hate for you to lose a spot because you procrastinated. 

Third Quarter

This heading may remind you that you have four, wait, five tests, quizzes, or assignments that are still outstanding and need to be turned in. Before you get a zero in the ole scorebook that directly impacts your grade and ultimately finishes with that face to face conversation you will have with your parents as you try to explain why you didn't think you had to do that work and they take everything fun in your life away until you bring said grades back up. (You're welcome for the idea, parents. I was a mean mom, too. I know how to do this.) (And yes. I know that was a run-on sentence. I just like it that way, I guess.)

To others, that heading might make you think that yeah, school is almost over. Like I did today when I was preparing my files to receive, well, files of papers. 

Whether you went a little doom and gloom or yippee kie yay, the third quarter is almost over so get those assignments done. Study and take those tests and quizzes. Let's gallop toward quarter 4 with our focus clear and our spirits high. 

Because there aren't any do-overs.

Quarter ends: March 5th. 

Report Cards come home: March 11th.

Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass, because he was born a slave, wasn't allowed to learn to read or write. Yet, instead of allowing his circumstances keep him down, Mr. Douglass, with no formal education, eventually rose  to be a famous orator, writer, abolitionist, civil rights leader, and presidential consultant. 
Here are some facts about Mr. Douglass that you probably don't know:
  • Mr. Douglass would carry a book with him while running errands and barter bread with kids in his neighborhood to help him learn to read.
  • Frederick Douglass taught other slaves to read the New Testament
  • He owned and published his own newspaper, The North Star, and even called out his former owner in an open letter in 1848
  • Born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey in Maryland, he later changed his name to Frederick Douglass because he knew he was created with a purpose and wanted to distinguish himself so he could make a difference.
  • He was the most photographed American in the 1800's, even beating out Abraham Lincoln!
  • He asked President Lincoln to allow black troops in the Union army
  • He was nominated for Vice President (without his consent) in 1872
  • Frederick Douglass served under 5 presidents

Answers to last week's questions:

1. Who was looking after sheep when Samuel called him to be king? David
2. How long will it take to cut a wooden log into ten equal pieces if it takes one minute to make each cut? 9 minutes
3. Forward I'm heavy, backward I'm not. What am I? ton

4. Can you translate the following? Y Y U R Y Y U B I C U R Y Y 4 M E - 2 y's you are, 2 y's you be, I see you are 2 y's for me

This Week's Questions:

1. Mr. and Mrs. Clatter have five children. Half of them are boys. How is this possible?
2. If a wheel has 64 spokes, how many spaces are there between the spokes?
3. Why is a manhole cover round? Name two reasons for two pieces of candy!

4. If an airplane carrying the U.S. swim team crashed directly on the border between the United States and Canada, in which country would the survivors be buried?

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