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December 3, 2020


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 12/6)

Monday, 12/7

Cheeseburger, Fries, Pickle, Dessert

Tuesday, 12/8

Turkey Cheese Croissant, Chips, Muffin

Wednesday, 12/9

Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

Thursday, 12/10

Chicken Cheese Quesadilla, Chips & Queso, Apple Cinnamon Tortilla

Friday, 12/11

Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Ice Cream 


12/4-12/5 Lancaster Tournament, Away, MSG - 8, MSB - 9

12/7 South Haven, Away, MSG - 4

12/7 Mt. Juliet Christian, Home, VB - 7

12/8 Jo Byrns High School, Away, JVB - 4:15, VB - 6

12/11 Cedarview, Home, JVG - 4, JVB - 5, VG - 6:30, VB - 8

1/4-1/9 Spirit Week

In This Edition...

Virtual Christmas Program
Christmas Project
Sickness and What to Do
Second Quarter Ends
Sidewalks and Parking Spots

Virtual Christmas Program

There once was a Christmas Program planned for FRCS in the year 2020. But, because 2020 has an attitude and has seen fit to make everything weird, things are going to be different. This year, instead of getting all dressed up and coming to the auditorium to watch your precious little ones, and not so little-anymore-ones, we have decided it would be best to video this year's performance and send you a link to it. So, gather your family around you, wear your little masks if that makes you happy, put your pajamas on, click the link and watch it all together. Or alone. Or with your dog and cat. I'm sure they'll love it. Your fish may not be too interested, but if you feel it necessary that Goldie the Goldfish enjoys this with you, may I suggest putting the fishbowl on a lazy Susan to make turning the bowl a little easier.

Be on the lookout for that coveted link the last week before Christmas Break!

PS-We will be videoing the performances Thursday and Friday of this week. Please refer back to the emails that were sent to you for more information. Don't have that email anymore? Give us a call. While we may not be able to make all your dreams come true, we will do our best to answer all your questions. :) But please don't ask us how to make a goldfish behave. We have no clue.

Christmas Project

Keeping score. We've all done it. Whether it was on your Little League team when you were eight, that soccer team when you were ten, or two months ago when you were trying to out-fish your husband, keeping score is just something we do. You know what makes keeping score so much easier? 

Scoreboards. And FRCS Sports is in need of some new scoreboards for our soccer, baseball, and softball fields. If you'd like to help us with this project, you can donate to your child's classroom goal or just drop by the office and let the nice office staff know what it's for. 

This project runs from December 1st until December 18th.

Sickness and What to Do

One day this past week, I looked out my window in the wee morning hours, and what did I see? Snow. After waiting and hoping for that Parent Alert saying I could stay home (it never came, but I had so much faith) of course, I got ready to come to work. 

Because it was only snow. 

But. If I had woken up with some pretty ugly stuff like a stomach bug, the flu, or COVID symptoms, you know what I would have done?

Gone right back to bed. (After I had let my boss know, of course. Because that would have just been rude of me not to.)

If you think you may have COVID or are being tested for COVID, do everyone a favor and stay home. And keep your child home until you get the test results back. If you think you have a stomach bug that keeps you in the bathroom for most of the day? Stay home. If you have a fever, cough, and chills all at the same time and you're not watching a scary movie like the Muppets Christmas Carol, stay home. After you give us a call, of course. 

But if you have things like heart palpitations when you see a sales ad, little itty bitty chills because of the cutest pair of boots ever, and you're craving gingerbread, it's safe to come to school because you're just suffering from the holiday spirit.

The End of a Quarter

I kind of feel that title would be better if it said the end of 2020, but if we're being completely transparent, and a little negative, we really don't know what 2021 has in store for us. It could be better and it could be worse. We'll just have to trust in the Lord. He's the One in control anyway.
The end of another quarter is upon us. The same rules apply: get your homework done, turn in your projects, make sure you have no incomplete assignments, smile at your teacher and behave. You know. All those things. But the end of a second quarter means there's going to be things called...
And that's something you really need to be studying for. So, 7th-12th graders, study study study, and do your best. Don't rely on memory, study to shew thyself approved.
Here's the line-up:
12/10 - Merit Day (7th-12th)
12/11 - Exam Review
12/14 - Exam Review
12/15 - 7th-12th Grade Exams
12/16 - 7th-12th Grade Exams
12/17 - 7th-12th Grade Exams 
12/18 - 1/2 Day of School - Dismiss at 11:30  

Sidewalks and Parking Spots

Welcome to winter in Tennessee! When today it feels like it's close to sixty and sunny, tomorrow just might be thirty-two and raining. And that's okay. It definitely keeps us on our toes, doesn't it? You know what's awful about being on your toes, though? When you had to walk through a puddle because there was a car parked on the sidewalk instead of a parking spot and you had to walk around. There's really not much worse than having wet shoes all day. And I'm an old lady. I can't imagine a preschooler having to deal with that. Or their teacher! Anyway, please, be considerate of others that are bringing their children into the school. Use a parking spot for your car and the sidewalk for feet. We thank you in advance for your help in this matter!

 Just because I like chickens. Deal with it. :) 

Questions of the Day

Dee Septor, the famous magician, claims he can tell the score of any football game before it even starts. How is it that he can be accurate about the score 100% of the time?

If you were to step into a sealed room filled with 100% methane gas and strike a match, what would happen?

What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? 

and last but not least...what does this sentence really say - Dare Worn Hose Her Five Hearse

Bring your answers to the elementary office for a prize!

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