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December 17, 2020



Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 1/3)

  • Monday, 1/4 - Chicken Tenders, Mac n Cheese, Green Beans, Pudding

  • Tuesday, 1/5 - Hot Dog, Tater Tots, Veggies & Dip, Fudge Round

  • Wednesday, 1/6 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

  • Thursday, 1/7 - Baked Ziti, Salad, Garlic Bread, Brownie

  • Friday, 12/8 - Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Ice Cream 


1/4-1/9 Spirit Week!

1/4 Hendersonville Christian, Home, JVB - 4, VG - 5:15, VB - 6:45 Free Candy Bar Night

1/5 Franklin Classical, Home, MS Girls - 4, MS Boys - 5

1/5 Pleasant View, Home, VG - 6, VB - 7:30

1/8-1/9 Webb Tournament, Away, MS Girls - TBA, MS Boys - TBA

1/9 Christian Community, Home, JVG - 2:30, JVB - 3:30, VG - 1, VB - 11:30 Homecoming

1/11 Franklin Christian, Away, MS Girls - 3:30, MS Boys - 4:30JVB - 5:30, VG - 7, VB - 8:30


Christmas Project

Do you know what tomorrow is? Friday. And while most Fridays fill us with a certain amount of anticipation and excitement, tomorrow is different. Not only is it the day where Christmas parties will happen, or it's the last day of mid-term exams, or the day before a two week break from school, it's also the last day where you can be a part of the Christmas Project. 

You know which project I'm speaking of. The one where we're trying to raise funds to purchase new scoreboards for the outdoor fields so we parents can keep a more accurate score as to whose child is actually winning the softball or baseball game. 

The last day to contribute to this project is December 18th. Tomorrow. The last 1/2 day of 2020. Where dismissal is 11:30 and there will be no lunch. Yea. Be prepared because there's also Christmas parties and I'm fairly confident you may pick up a child or two with a sugar high. ;)

Christmas Gift for Pastor

And speaking of last things, tomorrow is the last day to contribute $1 for Pastor's Christmas gift. We will be giving Pastor Norris this surprise during Chapel tomorrow morning! Thank you for being a blessing to him as he leads the school and staff through the remainder of this school year. Your kindness and generosity is amazing!

The Christmas Program Premiere

You've been waiting for this moment. Maybe not for all your life but at least for a week or two. Maybe you couldn't sleep because of all the anticipation of watching your child be a star online. Did they wear what you told them to? What you so carefully had put together for that 'perfect' Christmasy look, or did they switch it up when you weren't looking? That red sweater that you thought was a great idea, did it end up making them look pink and pasty? Was his tie slightly askew or was it completely turned around and hanging down his back? Oh dear, please, please tell me her slip wasn't showing! 

You know how we are. We've all done it. What we thought was a great idea and what you so carefully planned doesn't always work out. Like sending out a link to the Elementary Christmas Program only to have a phantom band playing a song that tiny Kindergartners weren't singing to. Yea. Sometimes life happens.

Tonight, we here at FRCS invite you to watch your child participate in this year's Virtual Christmas Program. And let me tell you, those kids are cute. Watch closely because you may see some pretty funny things. If you do? Drop me a line!

To watch the Secondary Christmas Program, click this link. (remember this premieres at 7 pm tonight!)
To watch the Elementary Christmas Program, click this link.
And be prepared to be amazed!

Spirit Week

Did you see that graphic? Isn't that just so awesome? It's the simple things that make my day so enjoyable. :)

Coming back to school after a two week break doesn't have to be a trial. It can be enjoyable. It can be fun. It can be awesome and a little bit wacky because here at FRCS, we don't just come back to school. We come back to Spirit Week! 

And because it's Spirit Week, we want you to be prepared to come join the fun and show your school spirit! Here's the lineup:
  • Monday - Class Color Day (refer to the above graphic for your class's color)
  • Tuesday - Wacky Tacky Day (I think I relate to this one the most)
  • Wednesday - Lumberjack and Forest Animals Day (I have so many ideas)
  • Thursday - America Day (LOVE this one!)
  • Friday - Black and Gold Mania Day  
Still not quite feeling it? Feeling a little icky because you have to come back to school and actually finish the year? Well here you go. Let's make things a little more exciting, shall we? There will be awards for:
  • the most spirited in preschool, elementary, and high school
  • the most spirited elementary and high school class
  • the most spirited teacher
and to round out this exciting week, make sure you're prepped and ready for that Black and Gold Mania Day as we will be starting this day out with a pep rally complete with:
  • a free throw
  • three point throw, and...
  • a dunking contest
See? This is how FRCS comes back to school after a break! 


January. What an exciting time of year. A time for firsts and, ironically, a time for lasts. For some students, this will be the first time they'll be recognized as a class representative. For others, this will be their first Homecoming, or the first time they're presented to the crowd as part of the basketball team. But for others? This will be their last Homecoming. And just like this year's theme, Every Forest has a Story, it is my firm belief that every student has a story. Join us Saturday to meet the class representatives, to see the Homecoming Queen crowned, to watch the new basketball teams as they learn to grow and play together, and to be a part of some very special firsts and lasts of some stories that are just beginning to be written as well as some chapters that are ending.

Merry Christmas

Have you ever wondered what other countries do for Christmas? Do they celebrate it? Do they sing classic Christmas tunes like Silent Night and Joy to the World? Do they make apple pies and get together with family? Do they give gifts to one another? 

I was curious, so I did a little digging. 

In Caracas, people go to church Christmas morning on...roller skates. (I want to see this happen here in Murfreesboro. I honestly think watching Mr. Kramer roller skate to church would be hilarious. However, I would guess that the best teacher roller skater might be a toss up between Mr. Lyles or Mrs. King. Possibly Mr. Bancroft because he's not very high off the ground.)  

In Greenland, they feast on mattak instead of turkey or ham. No, it's not a new recipe of macaroni and cheese. No indeedy. It's actually raw whale skin complete with just a little bit of blubber attached. Blubber. Not butter. BLUBBER. (I will not complain about ham ever again. I will eat that ham and smile and I will be grateful.) 

The people in Ukraine like to decorate their trees with tinsel, bulbs, and spider webs. This is a nope for me, thank you very much. Anything with eight legs does not belong in my house or in my Christmas tree. Period.

So whether you like to decorate with spider webs or eat whale blubber, we here at FRCS would like to wish you the merriest of Christmas seasons.

 Just because I like chickens. Deal with it. :) 

Answers to last week's questions: 

Everyone knows that both Christmas day and New Year's day always fall on the same day of the week. However, in 1939, the year of the outbreak of World War II, Christmas fell on a Monday, and New Year's fell on a Sunday. Why? (Because in any given year, Christmas day and New Year's day actually fall on different days. It's true. Look at the calendar!)

Dee Septor, the famous magician, claims that when he is in the far north, he can point his car north on an ordinary road, drive it for one mile, and without turning around, end up one mile south of where he started. How does he do it? (Dee Septor drives 1 mile in reverse.)

And finally, what does this sentence really say?

High Piano Furs Hairy (Happy Anniversary)

This Week's Questions:

As a rule, how long will a so-called 'Eight Day Clock' run without winding? 

What is the product of the following series? (x-a)x(x-b)x(x-c)x(x-d)...(x-z)

There was a man who had a vacation house that was positioned in such a way that all four sides face south. How is this possible? 

What does this sentence really say?

Loose Eerie Car Doe 

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