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December 10, 2020



Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 12/13)

  • Monday, 12/14 - Biscuits and Gravy, Scrambled Eggs, Mini Pancakes w/Syrup, Sausage

  • Tuesday, 12/15 - Chicken Fajitas, Chips & Salsa, Vanilla Ice Cream

  • Wednesday, 12/16 - Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

  • Thursday, 12/17 - Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Ice Cream

  • Friday, 12/18 - Early Dismissal at 11:30 - No Lunch (or, it's whatever you stop to get on the way to do last minute Christmas shopping)


12/10 South Haven, Home, MSG - 4, MSB - 5 (1st HOME game for MS!)

12/11 Heritage Christian, Away, JVG - 4, JVB - 5, VG - 6, VB - 7:30 

12/11 Webb, Away, MSG - 5, MSB - 6

12/15 Webb, Home, MSG - 4, MSB - 5

1/4-1/9 Spirit Week!

1/4 Hendersonville Christian, Home, JVB - 4, VG - 5, VB - 6:30

In This Edition...

Christmas Project
Virtual Christmas Program
Exams. What You Need to Know
Sports News
Questions of the Day

Christmas Projects

When my kids were little (allll those years ago) I purchased a game where everyone won. There was no score. No 'send home' card or chip, no 'move back three spaces and turn around six times or until you throw up' moves. It was supposed to be a big hit. The side of the box proclaimed how it was pretty much the greatest invention since peanut butter.
So I bought it. I did it with the best intentions, of course. No losing meant no crying. No turn around and throw up meant I didn't have to clean it up afterwards. No send home cards meant I didn't have to console a child (or husband) because he had already been sent there and drawn fourteen cards before he could get the right one to finally get out. But you know what happened?
We all hated that game. It was the most boring thing since, well, since going to granny's house for Christmas to sit on the couch and watch the most favorite cousin eat her chocolate Sundae (with a cherry on top of a mound of whipped cream) in front of you. (I didn't say who's favorite she was, because she certainly wasn't mine. All that whipped cream and not even one offer. Sheesh! But I'm not bitter...)

Let's be real, shall we? There's just something about keeping score that makes everything exciting. When the basketball team scores three points before the buzzer sounds to win the game? Yea. That wouldn't be exciting if no one was keeping score. And what about baseball? What if our teams won every single game by a long shot but no one knew because there weren't any scoreboards? Are we willing to take the chance with human error? To go back to the stone ages to keep score with a pencil and paper? I mean, what if the score keeper's hand and wrist suddenly cramped up and they were rushed to the hospital with irreversible Carpal Tunnel? I'm not sure I could live with myself. 

Would you please consider helping us keep those barbaric practices at bay and donate to this year's Christmas Project? Just a dollar. Or two. Or whatever. Remember, your donations are tax deductible and anything helps. :)

Ends December 18th.

****Don't Forget! As a special gift for the President of FRCS, Pastor Norris, we're collecting $1 from each child as a thank you for his guidance and navigation through  this difficult year. We will be presenting this special Christmas gift during Chapel, December 18th. :)****

Virtual Christmas Program

While you weren't able to see it, the last few weeks FRCS students (and staff) have been busy preparing to astound you with this year's Virtual Christmas Program. Nearly every hall I walked down, there was singing, there was laughing, there were smiles galore and there was excitement in the air. 

It was awesome. It made me smile. It made my heart grow with happiness. 
I believe even the Grinch himself wouldn't have been able to resist the temptation to join in.
Watch for the link to hit your email sometime early next week. But, I urge you to be prepared. Get those cozy slippers on, grab some coffee or hot chocolate, tuck yourself in with a fuzzy blanket and enjoy the show!

Exams. What You Need to Know.

Exams are the perfect things to let teachers and students alike figure out what they need to be better at. A chance to learn and grow. When you stop learning, you stop growing, and you're never too old to learn something new. 

For all you exam-taking-haters out there, I have good news. Or bad news. Just depends on how you want to look at it. Once you graduate (whether high school or college), you won't have to take exams anymore. Nope! Actually the word 'exam' changes and splits into two. Adulting and Maturing. Sounds so much more fun, right? Yea. It's a trap. Stay a kid for as long as you can...

Here's the line-up:

  • 12/10 - Merit Day (7th-12th) - what a great day to study for exams, right? (Yea. Everyone knows that's not happening.)
  • 12/11 - Exam Review - the real deal, here.
  • 12/14 - Exam Review - now we're getting closer. Time to panic...
  • 12/15 - 7th-12th Grade Exams - the good news? It's the last Tuesday of school for 2020
  • 12/16 - 7th-12th Grade Exams - and this is the last Wednesday of school for 2020
  • 12/17 - 7th-12th Grade Exams - and I won't repeat myself because I'm sure you can figure it out
  • 12/18 - 1/2 Day of School - Dismiss at 11:30 - maybe a Christmas party here and a Christmas party there. I don't know, but hey. It's FRIDAY before CHRISTMAS BREAK!! 

Sports News

Hey hey, a hearty and happy congratulations goes out to the MS Girls Basketball team for winning the Turkey Jam this past weekend at the Lancaster Tournament! How exciting is that?! (I've heard of Cranberry Jam and Strawberry Jam, but I've never tried Turkey Jam. Is it good? Is there stuffing involved? Gravy? What type of concoction is this thing?! Inquiring minds want to know!) And we can't forget the MS Boys being runner up - y'all did a great job. Thanks for going out there and doing FRCS proud! 

Teacher Favorites

Aren't you just so excited for Christmas?! I don't think I'm the only one, but when I go to the store, I'm always on the lookout for a present for a teacher friend. But I have a hard time remembering what they like. So, just in case you're on the hunt for that perfect present for your child's teacher, you can CLICK HERE to view the Teacher Favorites list. Good luck, and happy shopping! :)


You can see it. I can see it. You can almost feel it in the air. We've been talking about this moment for a while now.

The end of 2020.

Let's face it. It has been upheaval after upheaval, this past year. We've learned that while we might not like doing things the way we're doing them, that we can survive. That when some things have been taken away from us - in some places, the right to gather and worship - that those things become more dear. 

Because they happen less, maybe.

One thing I will take with me into the new year? That it is really God who is in control. That while I can lose rights and freedoms, none of this has taken God by surprise.

And hopefully I'll listen better. I'll learn more. I'll be grateful for those good days as well as for those bad ones. Maybe I'll hug more (with a mask on, of course), I'll take a deep breath and let the bad things go on by. 

Because He's still God and I can trust Him.

 Just because I like chickens. Deal with it. :) 

Questions of the Day

Ok I'm kind of bummed, to be honest. Apparently, last week's questions were super simple. Ugh. I have got to find a happy medium! Try these on for size. Think you know them? Bring your answers to the elementary office for a prize if you're right!
  • Everyone knows that both Christmas day and New Year's day always fall on the same day of the week. However, in 1939, the year of the outbreak of World War II, Christmas fell on a Monday, and New Year's fell on a Sunday. Why? 
  • Dee Septor, the famous magician, claims that when he is in the far north, he can point his car north on an ordinary road, drive it for one mile, and without turning around, end up one mile south of where he started. How does he do it? 

What does this sentence really say?

  • High Piano Furs Hairy 

 Can you name these well-known Christmas songs by these clues?

  •  Question Regarding Identity of Infant
  • Allow Crystalline Formations to Descend Three Times
  • Caribou with Vermillion Proboscis
  • Delight for This Planet

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