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November 5, 2020


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 11/8)

Monday, 11/9

Steak Biscuit, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Green Beans, Cake


Turkey Cheese Wrap, Chips, Honey Graham Crackers, Fruit

Wednesday, 11/11

Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

Thursday, 11/12

Oriental Chicken, Fried Rice, Egg Roll, Mandarin Oranges

Friday, 11/13

Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Dessert


11/10 - Black and Gold Game, Home, VG - 6, JVB - 7, VB - 8

11/12 - Madison Academy, Away, JVB - 4:30, VG - 5:30, VB - 7

11/20 Central, Away, VG - 5, VB - 7:30

11/21 Macon Road, Away, VG - 10, VB - 11:30 

In This Edition...

Black and Gold Night 11/10
Thanksgiving Luncheon
Christmas Program
Missions Conference
Abby Candles

Black and Gold Night-November 10th

There are some colors that really go well together. There's red, white, and blue (that automatically makes you think of America, doesn't it?) there's green and white (go Spartans!) there's orange, red, and brown for fall, and we can't forget red and green for Christmas. But you know what else we need to put on that list?

Black and Gold.

Because here at FRCS, Black and Gold means some pretty exciting basketball games, cheering, and a little birdie told me that this year, there's going to be a silent auction again. (Which is awesome because they usually have some pretty wonderful things. And you don't even have to stand there and listen to someone shout and yell and you don't have to worry about twitching or itching your nose and buying property because they thought you were bidding. Do not ask me about this. It was a real thing and it happened to me. My husband still doesn't take me to auctions.)

What should you expect? Some pretty fun basketball games, a silent auction (all proceeds and/or donations will go toward new scoreboards for the soccer fields), concessions (all individually wrapped items), and...drum roll spirit wear!

So come join us November 10th at 4:00 for lots of fun and fellowship. 

Thanksgiving Luncheon-Canceled 

I kind of feel this goes without saying. 2020 has been a bust. Seriously, a bust. But I truly feel this year has taught us a few things. Like, don't take good days, good weeks, and good months for granted anymore. To enjoy the sunshine when it's here rather than complain that it's too hot. To enjoy the rain because it's so much better than a drought. To be grateful for school and friends because at least we can get together and learn and make those memories.

Pretty much to be grateful for the little things that we have come to expect.  

No matter what Satan throws at us, we have to remember Who is really in control in the first place. When your hope is wallowing in the mud and you're having a difficult time finding the good things to be grateful for? God is still there. So find that good thing and thank the Lord for it. Because everything good comes from Him.

With all that said, I have bad news. The Thanksgiving Luncheon, the one where we have a delicious lunch prepared for us by the school lunch ladies, has been canceled. But, in the true spirit of good will and keeping our faith and our head up, they will still prepare a special lunch for students that day. Yes. We will still feed them on November 24th. (Isn't that so nice of us?)

Of course, please have your order put in so we can be prepared. It would be devastating to run out of, I don't know, apple pie or something special like that.

And remember to keep your head up. God is good. All the time and He's the One in control.

Will There be Christmas Programs?

Yes. But it won't be like it used to be. Remember the good ole days when we could all get together in one big auditorium without skipping three or four seats and see those little cuties and take all the pictures so we could share? That's not going to be a thing this year. Because 2020 is 2020, the Christmas Programs will be virtual this year. There will be no on-site performances. There will be no squishing together in the auditorium. There will be no...never mind. Let's be positive, shall we?

There will be an online program. You will receive more information as the time approaches. And it will be as cute and awe-inspiring as possible. So prepare now to grab your cocoa and marshmallows, wear those fuzzy socks and watch the program from home.

Missions Conference, November 15-18, 2020

Even now, (and I can't say more than ever, because this has always been a very important thing to do) with everything spinning so rapidly out of control, people need to hear the Gospel. And it's our job to send missionaries to the far reaches of the well as our own backyard. 

November 15th through 18th will be a special time for each of us as we hear the exciting stories and the needs of countries around the world. November 16th, Missionary families will be visiting our classrooms to give your child a chance to see just how great our God is and how great the need is. And bless their little hearts, our preschool is collecting money for them as well. Isn't that the cutest thing ever?! 

Thank you for your support!

We just want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who purchased from our Abby Candle sale. You are a blessing indeed!


101 Random

Answers to last week's conundrums:

The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't use it, and the user doesn't see it. What is it?

A coffin

What is the third hand on a watch or clock called? 

The second hand

Sound out the puzzle below and tell me what it really says:

Eight Eve Eerie Port Her

A TV Reporter

(Think you know what any of these are, come into the office and tell me. If you're right you'll get a piece of candy)  

Can You Answer This Week's Conundrums?

There have been many amendments in the U.S. Constitution during the last 100 years. One of the most controversial items regards the transfer of power should one of the heads of state die while in office. If the Vice-President of the United States, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shoul die while in office, who then becomes President? (Think you know? Come into the office or shoot me an email and tell me your thoughts.)

And one more for fun:

What does this sentence really say?

Ace Awe Spot 

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