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November 19, 2020


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 11/22)

Monday, 11/23

Sub Sandwich, Chips, Pickle, Jello

Tuesday, 11/24

Thanksgiving Meal

Wednesday, 11/25

1/2 Day, No Lunch

Thursday, 11/26

Whatever your mom, Grandma, Aunt, (or whoever) makes for you. Could be turkey. Could be tofurkey. Could be a hamburger. Could be awesome. Maybe not. Just be thankful because it's Thanksgiving.

Friday, 11/27

Not going to lie. It's probably leftovers. I hope you like leftovers. I tend to look for the smallest turkey when it's my turn to have the people over. I could probably write a Seuss book about it. Maybe something like:

I don't like leftovers, no ma'am. I don't like them, not kidding I am. 

I would take a flight on a kite to not take a bite. 

I would go here, I would go there. But near the refrigerator? That would cause despair.

Cranberry sauce the second time through? Not me, I won't be able to chew.

Turkey again tonight? I'll run down the road, screaming with fright.

You get the gist. I'll stop...


11/20 Warren County, Away, VG-6, VB - 7:30

11/23 Hendersonville, Away, JVB - 4, VG - 5, VB - 6:30

11/30 Madison Academy, Home, JVB - 4:30, VG - 5:30, VB - 7

12/4-5 Lancaster, Tournament, Away, MS Girls - TBA, MS Boys - TBA

In This Edition...

Thanksgiving Lunch
We Love Getting Notes


At a whopping 85 mph, a toll road between San Antonio and Austin, Texas, wins the fastest road award. (Yayyyy for them. Little bit jealous over here, but hey.) We don't live in Texas. We live in Middle Tennessee. And we're a school. Where the kids are. And because we really love our kids and want to keep them safe, we're asking you to please. Slow down to 10 mph. Kids have a bad habit of making rash decisions without thinking about the consequences or the impact (no pun intended, but it works) it could have on them or others. So all you Jimmie Johnson and Kurt Busch wannabes, cool the jets please. Do the 10 and leave the big boy speeds to i24.


I'm sure you've heard it, maybe even seen a couple examples here and there, but, drum roll please...We have new Spiritwear! (Can I get a woop woop?) Come by and see the new designs and what we have to offer. Like short sleeves? We got them. Want something a little warmer but not ready to commit to a sweatshirt? Check out our gray long sleeve shirts. Is your hoodie 'so last year'? We've got new ones.  

Thanksgiving Lunch

Some of us have memories of when Granny would have the entire family over for Thanksgiving and she would make wonderful concoctions for us to enjoy. Things like, magic tomato-soup cake. Turkey jello. Or jello turkey. (Just depended on which side of the Mason Dixon line you lived. And if you were invited that year.) Cheese carrots, cranberry surprise (made with mayonnaise. M.A.Y.O.N.N.A.I.S.E. people. Wrap your head around that one, I dare you.) and Spam and lima beans. 

While those particular menu items may not have been on your table in years past, (let's just praise the Lord right now) and even though FRCS is not having our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon (insert tears and gnashing of teeth here) our fabulous kitchen ladies will be feeding students a traditional Thanksgiving meal November 24th. And kiddos! Just so you know, you're more than welcome to dress up as Indians or Pilgrims. Parents, someone will take pictures. It will be cute and you will be missed but we will do our best to make lemonade with the lemons that 2020 has thrown at us.

Notes. Where Would We Be Without Them?

Are you planning something wonderful for your Thanksgiving festivities this year? Are things going to be fabulous? Are they going to surpass all the Thanksgivings previously celebrated? Are you wondering how you're going to get everything done with so little time? 

If you need an extra day to prepare, or for traveling, or for cooking, or you must torture your children with deep-cleaning their rooms before Great Aunt Matilda Lou comes and they're going to miss a day (or two or three) of school, send us a note and let us know so we can put it in the system. And you don't get that red flag saying they have an unexcused absence.  

 Just because I like chickens. Deal with it. :) 

101 Random

Answers to last week's conundrums:

If you screw a light bulb into a socket by turning the bulb toward the right with your right hand, which way would you turn the socket with your left hand in order to unscrew it while holding the bulb stationary? You would screw the socket to the right. The hand you use is irrelevant.

What does this sentence really say...

Sweep Hut Eight Hope High Sweet Potato Pie (which is absolutely disgusting.)

Did You Know...Thanksgiving Edition

- There really is such a thing as Turkey Jello. Have leftover turkey? Try this recipe. All you'll need is gelatin, turkey, frozen vegetables, cream of celery soup, and, wait for it...ranch dressing.
- Think your Thanksgiving tradition is a little odd? The biggest tradition in a certain Wisconsin university is Turkey Bowling. With a frozen turkey. Out of the packaging and oiled to make it slide better down the grocery aisle. I very much hope they don't repackage and sell it as factory seconds...
- Don't you just love soda? Or pop? I don't know what y'all call it, but I call Tofurky and Gravy soda plain ole gross!
- In 1963, President John F. Kennedy pardoned a turkey that had been gifted to him. Why presidents do this is beyond me, but the first President to unofficially pardon the festive bird was Abraham Lincoln. Why? Because apparently his son had gotten attached to it. I mean, c'mon. That's a given. Your kid starts calling your dinner by a first name and it's game over. There's no eating that bird. 
- Butterball answers more than 100,000 questions about cooking turkeys each November and December. I wonder if they had gotten that question: "Can I cook a turkey in the microwave?" You remember the one where someone asked you the question and they posted your hilarious answer on a social network. My daughter tried that with me. I can't remember my answer...
- and last but not least, ironically, Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday again this year. 

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