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November 12, 2020


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 11/15)

Monday, 11/16

Chicken Tenders, Macaroni & Cheese, Green Beans, Pudding


Hot Dog, Tater Tots, Veggies & Dip, Fudge Round

Wednesday, 11/18

Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

Thursday, 11/19

Sloppy Joe Sandwich, Potato Wedges, Macaroni & Cheese, Fruit

Friday, 11/20

Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Dessert


11/20 Central, Away, VG - 5, VB - 7:30

11/21 Macon Road, Away, VG - 10, VB - 11:30 

11/23 HCA, Away, JVB - 4, VG - 5, VB - 6:30

11/30 Madison Academy, Home, JVB - 4:30, VG - 5:30, VB - 7

In This Edition...

Missions Conference - 11/15-11/18
Lost and Found Sale
Class Pictures & Picture Retakes 
We Shouldn't Quit

Missions Conference Time is HERE!

So many wonderful things happen in November. In some states, snow begins piling up just in time for Thanksgiving. In the South, we sometimes have to break out those summer clothes we just put away. Last weekend. Because it was so cold. And then, because it got so warm, we had to completely tear down the bed because, ya know, those flannel sheets and that thick comforter? WAY too much coziness. November. The time when you turn off the air conditioning just to turn it back on and you change your menu from all casseroles (I'm a Baptist. Casseroles are what I do) to grilling outside. In your basketball shorts. Even the flies get confused. I had one fly inside the house (if there's something I hate, it's flies in my house. I will get violent.) that stopped just inside the door, sat on the floor and waited for me to whack it. Didn't even try to escape.

It sounds like I'm complaining, but I'm not. All the above aside, November is a great time of year. Pumpkins, family, turkeys, dressing, and Missions Conference here at Franklin Road Baptist Church. Join us November 15th through the 18th to hear what the Lord has put on the hearts of missionaries that are going to exotic lands like, Nigeria, Ireland, and, wait for it...Burlington, Virginia. Yes. Even America needs missionaries that are willing to give up time with their families to go tell the greatest Good News mankind will ever hear. 


Lost and Found

Last week, I was supposed to announce that we were having a lost and found sale. Because it was the beginning of a new month, and me, being the weirdo I am, likes to do things around the same time so we can count on it happening. Yea. I dropped the proverbial ball.

Being the ball-dropper I am, let's just go ahead and plan on having the Lost and Found sale November 18th through the 20th. So bring your George Washingtons and hit up the tables. You know where they are. In the front of the gym. Laden with things from lunchboxes with a month old sandwich still inside (oh what a treasure, right?! ew) to jackets, PE clothes (always in abundance), to shoes and whatever. I'm pretty confident you'll find something interesting. 

Just if you get a lunchbox with a sandwich inside, please throw the sandwich away while holding your breath. Don't ask me how I know this is a good idea. My whole life flashed before my eyes when I forgot that part once. It wasn't pretty and there was a spectacle.  


I like frogs too

 Class Pictures & Picture Retakes

Sometimes I have visitors in the office. And they like to take out the yearbooks from previous years and peruse the various pages inside. I hear things like, "Is that Mr. Montgomery? Wasn't he here, like, just, like, a few years ago? Did he even, like, have time to graduate? He looks the same! Isn't there, like, a law against that?"  (Yes. I hear some pretty funny conversations from kids in that office) and "Awww, look at how small I was in preschool! I was soooooo cute" to "Hey guys, look. That's Mr. Stanczak. He looks the same..." and they look up at me for confirmation. 

Those yearbooks are kind of like a Hall of Fame for future generations. So guys, make sure you look spiffy and girls, get your hair just right, because Monday the 16th, it's Your Turn to be added to the FRCS annals of fame. 

Didn't like the first go-round? Did you finally smile big enough and all you notice is lettuce stuck between your two front teeth? Did you forget it was picture day and mistake it for pajama day and look completely out of place? Or did you join the ranks of FRCS a little late and miss the first picture day?

Then come prepared to wow us all with your lettuce-free cuteness on November 16th.


We Shouldn't Quit

I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but sometimes? Life gets difficult. Even downright hard. It doesn't matter if you're two or 92, I hate to break it to you, but life has many twists, turns, curves, and dead-ends along the way. 

I like to call those things plot-twists. It's odd, but sometimes, when you've been handed yet another lemon from life - yelling "PLOT TWIST!" at the top of your lungs just seems to take the edge off. (Now you'll know what's going on if you ever see me hanging out my window while I'm driving home. And yes. I do this often. Come to think of it, this could be why my husband won't let me have any more convertibles. It made things waaaaay too easy.)

I can hear it now. "I don't need to be here. I have a job already lined up. I could just quit and do such-and-such and I'd be fine for the rest of my life." But you know what? We're human beings. We aren't omniscient. We don't know everything.

And I am not a believer in coincidences. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Some of it isn't great. But some of it is. So next time you say, "I'm never going to need to know that when I grow up" stop and think about it. You actually might need to know it. Because God has something awesome for each of us to do and, right now? He's preparing you to do it.

Don't give up too soon. Do the homework to the best of your ability. Have a question? Ask your teacher. Feeling discouraged? Ask someone to pray for you.  
But the one thing you do not need to do?
Give up.  
Because even though today wasn't the best day ever, or maybe this hasn't been your year, (join the ranks, buddy) wouldn't it be sad if you missed out on a major blessing because you gave up too soon?
Put your head down and do your best. Do your homework and push through. There's a blessing waiting for you down that road. You just haven't reached it yet.

 Just because I like chickens. Deal with it. :) 

101 Random

Answers to last week's conundrums:

There have been many amendments in the U.S. Constitution during the last 100 years. One of the most controversial items regards the transfer of power should one of the heads of state die while in office. If the Vice-President of the United States, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives should die while in office, who then becomes President? The President is still the President because he didn't die. He was sad that all those people died, but, still. He was alive.

What does this sentence really say?

Ace Awe Spot - A Sauce Pot


Can You Answer This Week's Conundrums?

If you screw a light bulb into a socket by turning the bulb toward the right with your right hand, which way would you turn the socket with your left hand in order to unscrew it while holding the bulb stationary?

What does this sentence really say...

Sweep Hut Eight Hope High 

Think you know the answers? You know the drill. Come into the office and give it a try for a piece of candy. Don't eat candy? Let me know, and I'll bring brussels sprouts. 


Somewhere on this Parent Page, there are two secret messages. Think you found one? Come into the office and tell me what you think it is. If you're right, you'll double your candy prize. ;) Be warned, it is very difficult to find. 

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