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October 29, 2020


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 11/1)

Monday, 11/2

Ravioli, Side Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert


Chicken Rice Casserole, Green Beans, Roll, Banana Pudding

Wednesday, 11/4

Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

Thursday, 11/5

Soft Taco, Corn, Spanish Rice, Cinnamon Apple Tortilla

Friday, 11/6

Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Dessert


10/23 - Varsity State Championship Results

So last Friday our Volleyball team participated in a tournament. And they did fabulous! So fabulous that they won first (woo hoo), Emma Lawwell was MVP, Megan Ramos, Ellie Kate Baxter, and Alyssa Bryant were named All Tournament, and we now have a new trophy in the trophy case. Congratulations! 

In This Edition...

Masks are the New Thing
Are your Kids HomeSick?
Black and Gold Night 11/10
Softball Open Fields

Masks. Don't Leave Home Without Them!

There once was a damsel in distress. And her rescuer wore a mask. (A black one. The manliest of masks.) She asked him why he was wearing a mask - was he disfigured? Did he have a scar? Was it hiding something awful that would make her faint? And with the tenderest of smiles (she could tell because there were eye crinkles) and a small twinkle in his eye, he said, "No. I had a sniffle."

Yea, I know. In the real world, masks really don't look that great. You dress up, ladies, you put on your makeup, you do your hair, and then? You choose which mask you want to wear. All day. And half of your face becomes invisible. (Why do we try so hard?!)

And I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but, when you come inside the school, we need you to have your mask on. We're not asking you to rope the moon. To take out the garbage for a month. Even to put your lunches in without fail for the rest of the year. We're asking that you wear a mask when you come inside. We have a lot of people we're trying to keep healthy. We don't want to shut down. We don't want an epidemic. We don't want the plague. We want math and English and chemistry for the rest of the year. Because we want to finish this year strong. Instead of like last year. Limping and falling over the finish line. 

Thank you for your help in this matter. 

tissue box

Are Your Kids HomeSick?

Well, I've felt that way myself a time or two. Maybe even more. Like in 6th grade when the entire class was required to go camping. Together. There was even one day they dropped us off in the middle of nowhere. Like nowhere. If you were to look at a map of Michigan, I'm nearly positive there's a place labeled 'Drop off Zone for Sixth Grade.' I did hear several teachers laughing hysterically as they ran away. (This is why it's super important to know what plants you can eat and the ones that will make you sick when you're forced to commune with nature.)
Anyway, enough with the memories. (I have more. So...much...more...I've toyed with the idea of writing a devotional but I'm not sure my writing style and sense of humor would make it in the wonderful world of devotions. But I digress.) 
The title was just to get your attention. Here's the gist. If your child isn't feeling well, i.e., they come to you in the middle of the night and tell you they just got sick, or their throat is on fire, there's green goo oozing out of their nose, or they've been coughing since last Tuesday at Grandma's birthday party, please. Keep them home. I guess with the way things are in the world, the new motto should be 'If in doubt, don't go out.' 

But then give us a call. Let us know that they're staying home for the day. We get worried. ;)

Black and Gold Night

Do you know who made the MS, JV, and Varsity basketball and cheer teams? Do you know their number? How good they are? Do you know everything there is to know about them?  Wouldn't it be so cool if there was a way we could support and get to know them? Get to know our favorites and who to cheer for?

Well I have good news for you! Come join us for Black and Gold Night, November 10th (it's a Tuesday) and cheer, and clap, and watch, and be a blessing to these kids. I mean, c'mon. It's 2020. What a perfect year to learn to be a blessing to others. We've been through a lot. We don't want to be doomed to repeat it because we haven't learned anything. Am I right, or am I right?!

And speaking of fun. There will be a Silent Auction that night. (Shopping while you're at a basketball game? Yes, please!) Which also means, if you would like to donate an item or service, that would be great. (All proceeds go toward new scoreboards for the soccer field) Stop by the elementary office and see Mrs. Lawwell.

Last year, we had items from Crumbl Cookie, Chicken Salad Chick, DeWalt, carwashes, paintings, pizza donations, and even had a weekend getaway donated. This could be a beautiful thing. Think...Christmas...  


There are many things we as Americans take for granted. Things like internet and pizza on Fridays. Life is good and all is well as long as we have Wifi and pepperoni and extra cheese pizza. Take away that stuff, and let's face it. We all become savages.

I think voting is like that. What would America be like if we didn't have the right to vote? I mean, would it be possible that someone who didn't like coffee could take office and say that we couldn't have coffee anymore? While that would be a travesty (you would understand if you ever had to deal with me when I didn't have my coffee. Trust me. It's not pretty), not taking an opportunity to exercise your American right to vote is even more so. 

As voting for a President only comes by once every four years, FRCS is taking this opportunity to let your child take their turn and "vote" in our very own election. While this won't actually be counted in the nation, it will be a fantastic opportunity for our 2nd through 12th graders to understand the importance of this right. 

And let's be clear, shall we? One single vote CAN change who is elected. In 2016, a Vermont state House seat was decided by one vote out of 2000. 

 Softball Open Fields

Can this Parent Page get any better? Yes. Yes it can. Basketball not really your type of sport? I have it on good authority that Softball open fields will begin 11/3 for 7th-12th graders. From 3:15 to 4:00 every Tuesday and Thursday until Thanksgiving, you can head on out to that field and whack some softballs. Weather permitting. Because if it's raining, you don't want those softballs becoming water logged. It's like hitting a tree trunk. Which doesn't move. And it hurts your arms. Yea. I was the youngest and my brother thought it would be so fun. Don't feel bad for me, though. I got him back. :)


101 Random

Answer to last week's riddle: 

M R  DUCKS - Them are ducks.
M R KNOTT - Them are not.
O S A R - Oh yes they are.
C M WANGS? - See them wings?
L B - I'll be,
M R DUCKS! - Them are ducks!

Congratulations to those who either called in or came in and answered. You seriously made my day! 

This week's conundrums:

The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't use it, and the user doesn't see it. What is it?

What is the third hand on a watch or clock called? 

Sound out the puzzle below and tell me what it really says:

Eight Eve Eerie Port Her

(Think you know what any of these are, come into the office and tell me. If you're right you'll get a piece of candy) 

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