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October 22, 2020


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 10/25)

Monday, 10/26

BBQ Sandwich, Baked Beans, Fritos, Rice Krispy Treat

Tuesday, 10/27

Chicken Fajita, Chips & Salsa, Vanilla Ice Cream Cup

Wednesday, 10/28

Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

Thursday, 10/29

Cheese Tortellini, Side Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert

Friday, 10/30

Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Dessert



10/22-10/23 - Varsity State, TBA, TBA

In This Edition...

Basketball & Cheer Tryouts

Abby Candle Sale-Ends 10/28

Driving Issues



Yes, you read that right. Tryouts are here. BUT. Before you can tryout, for anything, even extreme crocheting, we must have a physical in the office. No physical? No tryout. Period.

If you didn't know it, we live in a weird world. And by weird, I mean weird. Over in Finland, there is a sport called Wife Carrying. There's rules and everything. Like, how much she has to weigh, how many points he's docked if he drops her, and how long the course is. How long the course is?! Yea. If my husband came to me one day and said he wanted to try out for that particular sport, I'd probably lock him out of the house until he came to his senses. I mean c'mon. There is no way I'm going to be weighed like an animal in front of a bunch of strangers. Not happening.

What about Zorbing? You know, zorbing. Where you strap yourself inside a gigantic plastic hamster wheel and have it pushed down a hill. And if you're lucky, you'll get the one with water inside so you can almost drown while gravity takes you and tries to break you. Sounds like a ton of fun, right? But what happens if you irritate the pusher? I could see so many different ways this could go wrong. Horribly wrong. Busy highways. Large walls. Deep ravines. But you'd probably have the best story at your family's Thanksgiving dinner. "Yea, you see this arm? It was wrapped around my head twice because my pusher aimed me at a brick wall." Yep. Don't see Aunt Fanny topping that one.

Well, while we don't have the exciting sports like Zorbing and Wife Carrying (did anyone else just imagine Mr. Kramer carrying Mrs. Kramer across a field and jumping over some seriously large puddles, or was that just me?) we are getting ready for Basketball. And what is basketball without cheerleaders? Quiet. (Gee I thought that one would be obvious.)

So here you go all you who are against being America's Number One Couch Potato - Basketball and Cheerleading Tryouts.


  • JV & Varsity Girls Basketball Tryouts - 10/26 from 5:30-7:30
  • MS Boys Basketball Tryouts - 10/26 from 4:00-5:30
  • MS Girls Basketball Tryouts - 10/6 from 3:15-4:45

Cheerleading (Open Gym - 10/27 & 10/29 from 3:10-4:10):

  • Varsity Cheerleading (9th-12th) - 11/3 from 3:10-4:10
  • MS Cheerleading (6th-8th) - 11/3 3:10-4:10

Driving. Let's talk about driving, shall we?

This being a school, you would assume we have students on campus. And you would be correct. You would also probably assume that this school, having no bus transportation, relies on parents bringing their children in and dropping them off to start their day. This, too, is a correct assumption. (Everyone gets a gold star so far. Look! I did a rhyme! I'm a poet and didn't know it.) But what we shouldn't assume?

That everyone is looking both ways before crossing the parking lot. Or that they see you coming. Or that because it looks like they're going to their parent's car, they won't change their mind and turn around to get their homework and jump in front of you. Yes. Just like some spiders, kids have been known to make sudden jumping decisions before looking both ways.

I'm sure you've noticed that children and drivers don't mix. In an effort to make our campus nice and safe for everyone - including that little guy who was super excited to come to school and didn't look before he ran to the door because, c'mon people, it was show and tell day for the color purple - FRCS has a speed limit.

And it is not fast.

It's slow.

Like ten miles per hour. 

So if you have been in our parking lot and have not been passed by a turtle or a goat, you may be going too fast. Please. Slow down. The last thing anyone wants is someone's life to change because someone was going too fast.


101 Random

What do you call a basketball player's pet chicken?

A personal fowl.

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?

A stick.

*Come into the office and tell me what this says for a piece of candy:







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