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October 15, 2020

Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 10/18)

Monday, 10/19

NO SCHOOL (K5-12th) - Preschool Open

Chicken Nuggets, Cheetos, Yogurt, Fruit

Tuesday, 10/20

Hot Ham & Cheese, Chips & Dip, Celery & Peanut Butter, Oatmeal Cream Pie

Wednesday, 10/21

Chick-fil-a, Chips, Oreos

Thursday, 10/22

Alfredo Bake, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert

Friday, 10/23

Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Dessert



10/16 - JV Regional Tournament, Away, JV-10:45

10/16 - HCA, Away, Varsity-4:30

10/20 - Franklin Christian, Away, Varsity-5:00

10/22-10/23 - Varsity State, TBA, TBA

Cross Country

10/15 - Fairview High, Fairview, MS-5:00, Varsity-5:40

10/19 - The Hermitage, Nashville, MS-5:20, Varsity-5:50

Important News!

Fine Arts Sign Ups Deadline - 10/16

PTCs 10/19

Report Cards Go Home on 10/20

Abby Candle Sale-Ends 10/28


Fresh Start

Have you ever heard the phrase, 'fresh start'? No, it's not a cat litter. (You're thinking of Fresh Step. If you have more than one cat, like someone I know, you'll probably want to start purchasing a large box of that stuff. Make sure it's scented because you know...cats.)

There once was a time when humanity was so awful and needed such a fresh start that God decided to bring enough rain to flood the entire earth. Only 8 survived.

Let's not let things get that far, shall we? How about we go into this second quarter with the right mindset. We're going to do our homework. We're going to study for our tests. We're not going to talk out of turn or sass, or fuss, or have a bad attitude, or yada yada yada. 

Because one day? This will be your last second quarter of school. And you won't get this chance ever again.

The funny thing about life that's really not that funny? There aren't any do-overs. So let's do it right this time around. Push yourself to achieve and be better and do better. I didn't say get straight A's. Sometimes just making up your mind that you're going to do better than you have in the past is what you should strive for.

My opinion? It's going to be a great 2nd quarter. Why? Because I get to work with and deal with the greatest people in Murfreesboro.



No, we're not talking about Petting the Cat nor Popping the Collar. Not even Preparing the Chicken. (Why would I be talking about preparing the chicken? I mean, just being real here, the first time in my married life I had to touch a whole chicken to prepare it for dinner is not my favorite memory. No one feels sorry for ripping a piece of lettuce to shreds, or cutting broccoli stalks into edible pieces. But one tug at a real chicken leg? Yea. You're calling your mom in tears and offering her $20 to come cook your dinner. I would have gone vegetarian had it not been for the panicked look in my husband's eyes when he realized that he was almost doomed until death do us part. It's all fun and games until they start quoting Scripture at you.)

Of course, we're talking about Parent Teacher Conference, October 19th. The time every parent looks forward to communicating with the teacher about their child. What does your child do well? The teacher knows. What could they be better at? Again. The teacher knows. 

So be sure to schedule your meeting with that teacher today. Communication is a good thing. As long as it's not in study hall when you're supposed to be studying. Then communication is a no-no.



Fine Arts Deadline-This Friday!

You think you have the chops to be the next Vincent Van Gogh of art? You think you sound like an angel when you sing? Or do you have a vast knowledge of Bible wisdom that you would like to share?
Then we're looking for you. Sign up for your chance to represent FRCS in the Fine Arts Competition and let's see how far you can go. With Bible, Music, Speech, Academics, and Art categories, there's sure to be something for almost everyone. 
The deadline? October 16th.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact 

Follow us on Instagram!

Am I being serious right now? Does FRCS have their own Instagram account? 

Why yes. Yes we do. And there are some pretty cool pictures on there. Take a look around, follow us, and you just might see someone you know featured on there. Here's the link:

frcs_minutemen on Instagram!


Fall Sports is Finally HERE

Golf is finished. You got the stats last week. Cross Country is almost over. Those stats? Below. And, you can see the end of the Volleyball season. It's right around the corner. 

But before you pull out your ratty stay-home sweater and slippers and start on your macrame picture frames you're giving to all your family this year for Christmas, let me tell you that Basketball and Cheerleading season is here.

Yes. It's that time. The time of year when your child runs up and down a court dribbling a big orange thing while sweating profusely to throw that ball up toward the net and hope it makes it in. (Seriously, the only shot I could ever make? The granny shot. Not exactly the shot you used to impress people. Uh no. It did make people laugh though, so bonus.)

But remember. If you're planning on playing bball or cheering your cute little head off for your team, you need a physical. BEFORE you can try out. I need it in my hands. Let me repeat and put it in bold lettering. BEFORE you can try out, the office MUST HAVE a current physical on file. Don't make me come out to the practice and embarrass you. This is for your safety. Let's make it easy on everyone. GIMME THE FORMS, please. 

What happens after you make the team? Well, I'll probably say congratulations and smile really big while giving you the rest of the paperwork that we need BEFORE you can play your first game.

What do you need? So glad you asked. Let me put this in bullet points so y'all skippers out there can get the gist of this article:

  • Current physical form for this school year.
  • TWO consent forms. This one always trips people up. We need 2 because one stays with the coach at all times and one stays at the office in case of emergencies. It is not an accident that you received two copies of the exact same piece of paper. This is a necessary evil. And if I only get one, I will have to hunt you down and make you miserable until I have 2. Zwei. Dos. Ni. Deux. 2.
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest waiver
  • The handbook signature page stating that you did indeed go online and read the athletic handbook.
Cross Country

Cross Country Stats

Cross Country. It sounds like a road trip or something, doesn't it? But no. When we're talking about it regarding school, it's a thing where students run long distances in order to receive a prize. (Waaaaay back when I was in school, I didn't do Cross Country. I was a sprinter and a hurdler, so I did Track. There was one time my coach thought it would be such a good idea to make me run two  miles. She said so many nice things like, you can do it and you've got this. I have faith in you. Well let me be clear here. She lost faith really quick and never ever asked me to run two miles again. Because when I finished that finish line? It was all I could do to wobble my way to the side line so I could try very hard not to die.)
Monday, October 12th, our Cross Country team did extremely well in the TAACS State Meet. And by extremely well, I mean awesome. Tripp Walker took 1st for boys, Anora Golden took 1st for the girls, Lexi Sells placed 3rd, and Lauren Scott came in 4th. 
We're proud of you all - congratulations to each of you!
And seriously. If you ever see me running? Look to see who's chasing me. It's probably a clown and I'm running in terror.

Teachers. How Well Do You Know Them?

Last Week's Answers:
-There is a teacher here at FRCS who *hates* pumpkin spice. - Miss Walters
-There is a staff worker who used to show hogs at county fairs. - Mrs. Kramer
-There is a staff worker who absolutely loves owls. - Mrs. Lawwell

Dad Jokes
  • What's the easiest way to get straight As? Use a ruler.
  • Why does Humpty Dumpty love Autumn? Because he always has a great fall.
  • Why don't seagulls fly over the bay? Because then they would be bagels.


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