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October 1, 2020


Lunch Menu

(Orders due by 11:59, 10/4)

Monday, 10/5

Hamburger Steak, Fries, Corn, Dessert

Tuesday, 10/6

Sub Sandwich, Chips, Pickle, Dessert

Wednesday, 10/7


Thursday, 10/8

Chicken Tenders, Mac-n-cheese, Green Beans, Pudding

Friday, 10/9

Pizza, Carrots & Dip, Dessert



10/2 - South Haven, Away, JVG-4:00, Varsity-5:00

10/5 - Pleasant View, Away, JVG-5:00, Varsity-6:15

10/9 - Berean, Home, JVG-4:00, Varsity-5:00

10/10 - South Haven, Home, JVG-10:00, Varsity-11:00

Cross Country

10/3 - Montgomery County, Clarksville, MS-7:30, Varsity-8:45

10/5 - The Hermitage, Nashville, MS-5:20, Varsity-5:50

10/6 - Macon County High, Lafayette, TN MS-3:45, Varsity-5:00 

10/8 - Fairview Christian, Fairview, TN MS-TBD, Varsity-TBD 


10/2 - Sculley Golf Course, Central, Jackson, 3:00

10/5 - Champions Run, Rockvale, 12:00 (TAACS State Tournament)

Important News!

Abby Candle Sale Starts 10/1 

1st Quarter Ends 10/14

Parent Teacher Conference 10/19

Report Cards Go Home 10/20


End of 1st Quarter - Changed


I know. It's not exactly the kind of quarter we're talking about, but hey. It was useful because it got your attention. Go with it.

Remember how we ended up having a little more of a fall break than was originally planned? Well, because that happened, and while we did enjoy our time off, we do have to kind of push things back just a little. 

To give you all more time to complete assignments, tests, quizzes, and whatnots, the first quarter will end October 14th rather than October 9th. 

What does this mean for you? 

You have an extra week to get everything finished and turned in (insert mass cheering here). So, because you are learning that 2020 is really good at throwing curve balls at us, get those assignments done. Quit procrastinating. Stop it. Because once you start to rely on things being canceled, this is one thing that will more than likely hopefully maybe not be canceled. 

Wouldn't it be funny if everyone thought it wouldn't happen and 2020 decided to just become normal? And you ended up missing that 1st quarter deadline and thought you wouldn't have to finish the assignment but you really did and you ended up getting a zero?

Yea. Don't do that. Because it could happen. 

Report Cards 

And on the heels of the previous article, (because all things hinge on previous things, right?) the pushing back of the quarter means that there will be a pushing back of the report cards. So let's make the right choices, do those assignments to the best of your ability, and turn them in so you can get a good grade. And maybe a gold star. Or $5 per A. Whatever. 

Just do your work. Report cards will be arriving Tuesday, October 20th.  
And again, here's another article hinging on the above. You didn't skip it, did you? If you keep skipping, how in the world are you going to be informed? I ask you! 

Parents. As much as we and you love your children, there may be things that you should probably talk to their teacher about. Like why in the world little Cynthia was gargling peanut butter when the teacher clearly stated not to. Or why Chadwick has never once brought a school book home. (Not the best idea, by the way. I do not recommend.)

So contact your child's teacher, schedule that appointment, and come in to talk about how great they are. Or what they need to work on. 

Virtual appointments are also available. Contact your child's teacher for your appointment today! (I feel like a commercial announcer.) And then tell your kids what you did and watch them be on their best behavior until then. It'll be fun.

Abby Candle Sale Starts 

Remember the previous fundraiser? The one where you got all your money back because 2020 clearly has an attitude? Yea, this isn't it. 
This particular fundraiser is for the Junior Class trip to Washington D.C. 50% of the proceeds go toward the Junior of your choice - or the entire class. Whichever you prefer - so they can visit our nation's capitol. 
The agenda includes (hopefully) a tour of the White House, a visit to the Smithsonian, the Holocaust Memorial Museum, a tour of the monuments, Arlington Cemetery, the Museum of the Bible, and Tennessee Tuesday where they can meet the Senators, this will definitely be a trip they will learn from.

Sales start October 1st and all paperwork must be turned in by October 28th.

All sales are voluntary. You do NOT need to participate in this fundraiser if you don't want to. There is no judgment. No bad attitudes. Just a smile and a wave. :)

Lost and Found. True Story.

I once knew a little boy who lost his PE shirt and shorts. There was weeping. There was gnashing of teeth. There was pure and utter heartbreak. It was so bad, I had to find a piece of candy to mollify said youngster. 
Ok. So maybe there's a little exaggeration here, but still. Our Lost and Found bin is nearly bursting with many, many, M A N Y  things that NEED to go home. Whether it's your home or the first owner's home, it doesn't matter. What does matter is the fact that this is the time to sift through the stacks of stuff, pay your $1 for that treasure you just found, and take it away. 

Before I do. 
Because I have a small car. And it all won't fit. 
Sale begins October 5th and ends October 7th in the front of the gym. Be there. Go through things. Buy things for $1. Be happy.

Fall is HERE! 

Do you know that blue is my favorite color? I love the blue in the sky, the blue of a clear lake, and the blue of a pretty skirt or shirt. But I do not love the blue of a cold child. 

Mom. Dad. I beg you. Don't make me see this. Please make sure your child has a thick sweater, jacket, or even coat during these fall months. Blue children are not attractive. It shouldn't be a thing. They will be going outside. They will need this article of clothing. Even if the weather man or weather app says they don't need it? Bring it anyway. Remember it's 2020. It could snow four feet next week.



How Well Do You Know Them?

Some of them might seem ancient to you and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they've always been this old. I mean, come on. Look at what they wear sometimes. Sheesh, is that even allowed anymore? Seriously. 

But there once was a time when that straight-laced strict teacher was young. When they were the ones being taught. Yes. They were children at one point too. 
Some were a long time ago, and some, let's just be honest here, look like they should still be in that Senior class. (I wish I had that problem. Just had four more white hairs make a grand appearance. Bless 'em. At least I'm not bald. Yet. Oh dear. The mental image I just had. Ick.)
You think you know everything there is to know about these great people you call teacher? Well here's your chance to prove your stuff. Listed below are some interesting things about them. If you can guess correctly to whom each statement belongs, come into the elementary office and collect a prize. (Get excited. Thank you.)
There are three teachers in this school that:
- One teacher won State Competition in Taekwondo in 3rd grade.
- A different teacher loves cats. Hates dogs. And every cat they owned was named...Kitty.
- And another teacher taught their dog German. Said dog would only obey commands given in German. (This is very interesting, in my opinion.)
Choose three teachers. Write your ideas down and bring it to the elementary office to see if you won a prize!
This week's choices are:
Mr. Kramer
Miss Herting
Miss Walters
Mr. Montgomery
Mr. Stanczak
Miss Turner
Mrs. Parson


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